Very interesting. And what about all that diets which our doctors highly recommend? Just take a look at any one of them, what the difference and what is the same? They all ship frozen pizza for morning meal, and they all suggest a few choices that victim can take different pizza during one week of diet plan. Are pizzas really different? Not at all. For next meal it is different canned soup or pasta. WOW! When I took a look at all that healthy plans I made my choice, it is not for me. I simple cannot see any healthy eating in any one of the diets.'Glycemic Index' May Be Too Unreliable to Manage Diabetes: Study
Wide variability seen after eating same food at different times Wednesday, September 7, 2016;
"If someone eats the same amount of the same food three times, their blood glucose response should be similar each time, but that was not observed in our study. A food that is low glycemic index for you one time you eat it could be high the next time, and it may have no impact on blood sugar for me," she explained in a university news release.
Right now it is publication about 'Glycemic Index' and it is presented this index is not reliable, and cannot be used as healthy eating food choice. Time will come the same will be published about calorie intake, sugary drinks, and so on. Time will come and no one with medical degree will publish that diabetes type 2 can be reversed with healthy eating. Still, it is not this time yet.
All the time I pushed to take weight loss surgery that with this treatment I will lose weight and will be diabetes type 2 free. Say me, how the size of my stomach can improve my ill pancreas? It is only one way, no one doctor ever look at my pancreas, how ill it is. They all the time confirm diabetes type 2 according the level of sugar in my blood and bathroom scale reading. There is only one problem, my level of sugar was very high long before bathroom scale passed 300 Lbs point. So, should I trust in doctors, all of them, or it is better to relay on own brain?
The glycemic index was created to show how fast blood sugar rises after eating a specific type of food, the study authors said. It's considered a tool to help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels.Pay attention to the studies. It is not the study to help diabetics type 2 to control blood sugar level, but to All Diabetics, type 1 including. The line between type 2 and type 1 is not reliable, if any types of diabetes can be clearly identified.
Now there is another point, how fast blood sugar rises after eating any type of food depend from the ability of pancreas to secret insulin. Then highly advanced diabetes condition then faster blood sugar rises. It does not mean that the food diabetic ate but because of we all do have different ability to secret insulin. This is why non diabetics do not have level of sugar above 599 mg/dl, the limit of glucose meter. Diabetics type 2 in contrary do have this level, and with time diabetes type 2 progress to more and more complications, and finally, to Death.
Why it is so important to study how blood sugar rises after eating any food? It is only the point to put finger to the victim of medical care. If we do not eat this or that then we will be diabetes type 2 free. Best suggestion presented by professor R.Taylor, Starvation diet withing 8 weeks. Only 600 or even 400 calories, and after 8 weeks diabetic do not have diabetes. Well, it is only the level of sugar in blood. When there is no blood then there is no level of sugar in it. Still, authopcy will show, one was diabetic at the present time of Death. So, Starvation Diet does not solve the problem with illness. Diabetic still diabetic.
Why there are so many studies how blood sugar rises after eating, and there is no studies how blood sugar drops with medicine or eating, or time, or any other medical conditions? Why it is suggested that eating right food with right glycemic index will control blood sugar level? Why do not take studies, how blood sugar controlled or not with all that medical statements and treatments they suggest?
An important part of managing diabetes — as well as your overall health — is maintaining a healthy weight through a healthy diet and exercise plan:....Sorry, there is no overall health. Diabetes is chronicle disease potentially fatal without proper treatment with healthy eating or not. Still healthy eating and health plans provide high income for medical industry. Also there is most important factor, we live long to provide high income for providers who treat us with barking therapy that we have to lose weight and eat healthy. And finally, we carry all our burden on our shoulders. No one can get diabetes when one live next on me. We are safe for others to live with. So, what society have to lose? Nothing.
via Ravenvoron
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