
Monday 30 April 2018

No Insulin One Day. April 30,2018

     Is this really Honeymoon Phase? No one unit of insulin for April 29, 2018. Now April 30, 2018 at 9 am sugar is 115 mg/dl. After meal. It is not two hours after meal, but still almost one hour, and Yesterday there were no one unit of Insulin injected. Day before it was 610 units. Today I injected 305 units (full pen of Lantus Solo Star). I am not so naive to pretend, diabetes I do have was cured. Not at all. But have good sugar today even if it is fasting will be very very good. This level is after I ate two chickens, size of palm without fingers.
     I am going to do one hour study. I was going to do it today, but my teeth is very very painful, I need to go to dentist. This is why I couldn't sleep tonight. Now I am stressed out. Is this really I am breakthrough? I was very concerned, why dose of insulin started to almost double in stead to drop off? It is not Fall, and I am not sick. There is nothing different in my life then year ago. Why so suddenly dose of Insulin went up?  It was not only for one day, but for months.  Now one day without Insulin injections. So great to feel it!
     Lastly I do have headaches, severe. Sometimes it is at night, and I even do not wake up. I feel this pain, and still sleeping. I started to take increased dose of Excedrin. Also it is heart, short breath.  I started to take Nitrostat every day, 2+2+2.  Usually long lasting Nitrostat worked well, and I almost stopped to take regular Nitrostat. Now I am back to my routine, and Nitrostat all the time handily.
     My legs  are no longer in pain. DH wrap them both very tight, and still there is no pain. Why? Because there is no increased edema. When Edema in full bloom pain present all the time, and it is so severe that it is not possible to keep wrap on legs. Now I am wearing wrap almost week, and even in first day there is no pain after wrap was re-freshed.
     I still do not lose weight, but I do not gain it anymore. Last time we went to Metropolitan Opera I was able to read titles. Usually I have problem to fit into tiny opera's seat. My belly is so huge that I cannot see the titles behind the belly. Last time I read titles. Probably belly started to shrink a little. Also I did not feel so tight inside the seat. In NY Phil seats are bigger, and there were no problem for me to fit into. In Met seats are tiny, many patrons have problems to fit into it.
   So, this is all for now.

via Ravenvoron

Saturday 28 April 2018

How many types of Diabetes? April 28, 2018C

Researchers Identify 5 Types of Diabetes in New Study
by Laura Newman
      Really? What they are, those 5 types of diabetes?
 Cluster 1 (type 1 diabetes): Encompasses people who are unable to make insulin because of a severe autoimmune disease. These are individuals first diagnosed when they were young.
    Well, is this really true that type 1 diabetics do not make insulin completely?  Not at all. They do make insulin, but the amount of insulin is not sufficient to support healthy body system function. What about type 2 diabetics? Do they make sufficient amount of insulin? Not at all. As ADA defined diabetes type 2, it is medical condition when insulin secretion is not sufficient or insulin used not properly. So, the first question is, what is difference between type 2 and type 1 diabetes?
 Cluster 2 (type 2 diabetes): A similar group to cluster 1 in terms of severe insulin-deficient diabetes, except that the immune system didn’t cause their problem. These patients had poor metabolic control, as shown by a high A1C, a two- to three-month average of blood sugar levels. Early signs of vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy were more common in this cluster than any other.
      Severe insulin -deficient diabetes  caused by what? The test for A1c is the same as for type 1 diabetes such for type 2 diabetes. What diagnose poor metabolic control?  If there is no diagnose for this condition then there is no way to determine that it caused diabetes type 2. Also on another hand, how authors of the study can be sure that diabetics type 1 do have good metabolic control? There is no test, no definition what is it, so in reality, does metabolic control have place to be if it has no symptoms, no definition, no tools to be diagnosed?
     Finally, does vision loss is only due to diabetes type 2? The same as diabetics type 2 diabetics type 1 have the same complications.
Cluster 3 (type 2 diabetes): This group was overweight and making insulin, but their body was not responding to it. They were considered severely insulin resistant. This group had a significantly higher risk of diabetic nephropathy.
Sorry, I lost. If I do have  good vision, but nephropathy then I am diabetic type 2 cluster 3, right? What if I do not have ether vision problem nether nephropathy? Or if I do have both these conditions? In what type of diabetes am I?
Cluster 4 (type 2 diabetes): People in this group had mild obesity-related diabetes, but metabolically, they were healthier than group 3.
Really, does Medical Pro have any brain? I do understand they do not think we do have brain, they simple too ignorant for this understanding. Still, how can anyone pay for studies like that? 
Cluster 5 (type 2 diabetes): People in this group were much older when they were first diagnosed, and their disease was the mildest and progressed slowly.
I can say only, why there are only 4 type 2 diabetics clusters?  There are children with obesity, and skinny adults. There are old diabetics who are healthier then those who are not so old. There are those diabetics who where diagnosed as children and now they are adult, in what cluster they are? Man and woman, black and green, tall and short, red and blonde, you name it, and there are so many clusters that no one study every would be finished and get result.
      Still, what is the goal of the study? Why study were conducted?
Money. Good money for VIP people.
In the study, published online in March 2018 in the Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology, researchers analyzed data of nearly 9,000 people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as adults, drawing their data from a Swedish patient registry. Three other databases from Sweden and Finland were used to study how their health progressed.
My Goodness! Why so much drama? Just take a look at the CDC data base and there we are, diabetics type 2 about 80,000 die every year due to diabetes. Very good progress in health and Death Being.
To differentiate among the newly proposed types of diabetes, researchers compiled data on participants’ age at diagnosis, body mass index (BMI), A1C, and blood sugar control; the presence of specific antibodies linked to diabetes; and a measure of insulin resistance.
Good. It is important to see what is Insulin Resistance.
 Again, there’s no specific test to confirm insulin resistance. But if you’re experiencing fatigue, brain fog, or increased hunger, see your doctor. Getting tested may reveal an elevated blood sugar or prediabetes. With an early diagnosis, you can take steps to help reverse the condition and avoid full-blown type 2 diabetes.
So simple, there is no symptoms of insulin resistance, no diagnose of insulin resistance, no treatment for this condition, and no definition of the condition MD going to threat. So, seriously, what author is talking about? What MD studied?
Can Insulin Resistance Be Prevented or Reversed?
This metabolic condition doesn’t have to progress to prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Making lifestyle changes can help reverse insulin resistance so that your body can respond properly to insulin.
I do not see what else can be said.
   OK, just to be sure that reader understand where to stand I wish to say, I did not copied this to provide some useful info. It is clear, there is nothing to learn. But what is important for us, diabetics type to understand, there is no medical condition such as diabetes type 2. There is no types of diabetes, but stages. These stages can be defined by the level of sugar in blood. Yes, the disease we do have is insufficient insulin secretion, but there is no test to find out the level of insulin in blood our body system needs everyday, day after day.  So, test for the level of sugar can be used, and define stages of diabetes.
Stage one: Blood sugar elevated but there is no significant symptoms of diabetes.
Stage two: Symptoms of diabetes developed.
Stage three: First diabetes complications started to be developed such as liver problem, kidney problems, vision problems, nerve damage, and depression. severe tiredness.
Stage four: there is not one diabetes complications but two and more.
Stage five: Pre-coma.
Stage six: Coma. Death.
In present time diabetes should not be Death Sentence. Still, it is. 80,000 Death every year, it is War! At any stage diabetes can be successfully treated with Insulin in injections. Slow, long term, but diabetic will live step by step reversing one complication after another. There is no limit in age or level of sugar in blood to start to treat diabetes type 2 with Insulin and prevent vision loss, amputations, and weight gain. Just tame, slow, no rush.
      Probably, it is expensive to treat diabetics type 2 with insulin. Metformin is cheaper. In long run Metformin lead to disability, and many many medecal needs. Insulin leads to recovery and cure. 

via Ravenvoron

Friday 27 April 2018

Ye Olde Pharmacy Days

Fifteen years ago, when my daughter was first diagnosed with diabetes, we were given a handful of paper prescriptions. I drove to the local pharmacy near our house which, conveniently, doubled as a Hallmark store. I handed over the prescriptions and went home with two kinds of insulin, including one which had been diluted to make her baby-sized doses possible. I also went home with test strips, lancets, syringes and glucagon. At regular intervals I returned to the pharmacy, paid a reasonable copay, and received more supplies. Sometimes I was also able to pick up a birthday card or a baby gift while I was there.

It sounds like a fairy tale now. The only thing I still obtain at a brick-and-mortar pharmacy is insulin, and I fear those days are numbered.

I fail to understand how the current system could possibly be more cost-effective...or better in any other way for that matter.

The layers of bureaucracy which have been added in the interests of keeping costs down can't really be doing so, can they?

Our endocrinology office now has staff members who answer the office's 'prescription hotline,' speaking, emailing and faxing all day with patients, pharmacies and insurers.

Our health insurer now pays a third party case management company to manage our prescription and durable medical equipment (pump, dexcom, etc.) supply needs. That company then contacts the people at supply distribution companies who then process our order. Both the prescription case management company and the supply shipping company call, email and snail mail us, our insurer, and the aforementioned 'prescription hotline' people regularly with questions, updates and statements.

Then FedEx, UPS or the USPS is paid to deliver our supplies. They're also paid to return wrong orders, or malfunctioning equipment.

This can't be cheaper.

It's also definitely less efficient, taking days if not weeks to fill prescriptions when it used to be possible to pick it all up on the way home. Or, at worst, kill the 20 minute wait picking out a birthday card or browsing the toy department.

And the room for error has increased exponentially. When I pick up a prescription from CVS, I peek in the bag before I walk away from the counter. If there's a problem it's fixed immediately. Meanwhile, our initial order from Edgepark, containing 2 wrong items, required 3 phone calls, a 48 hour wait for a replacement items, a 2 week wait for a return label, and a trip to the post office. And I'm not sure the billing is straightened out yet.

There's so much wrong with the current healthcare marketplace that this is just the tip of the iceberg. At the same time it serves as a lens through which to view the layers of bureaucracy which are adding expense and frustration for all of the players in the healthcare system.

While it wasn't always convenient to go to the pharmacy, especially with a toddler in tow, it was most certainly better than the rigmarole we go through now.

via Adventures in Diabetes Parenting

Is it possible to re-verse diabetes type 2? April 27, 2018

Sugar is 52 mg/dl.
I got my insulin supply, and now I am free to take good blood sugar control. I take 610 units of Lantus Solo star every day now. Huge dose someone would say. Probably yes, probably it is no so huge. It is expensive, very expensive, and I am 380 pounds in weight. Usually people see person like myself and they do understand, why I am diabetic type 2. It is very easy to understand with so aggressive brain washing propaganda. It is put on as true that diabetes resulted by poor diet and this is why people do have diabetes. Almost 100 years after insulin discovery, we still die because of diabetes. We still live in misery and pain.
     Really it is interesting, how diabetes presented by Med Pro. No one will treat cold or flu that one did it for him/herself. No one treat teeth pain that it is resulted by eating. But diabetes, it is resulted by poor diet, and so it is diabetic type 2 choice to live or to die. Just take a look at the first line of treatment when diabetes type 2 diagnosed. Diet. Nothing but diet. Then medicine would be used as add-on. The undermined is, diabetic could not curb appetite and this is why medicine added. Medicine for diabetic type 2 is SU. Only SU can decrease level of sugar by forcing poorly working diabetic's pancreas to secret more insulin. Within short time insulin secretion start to decline, and diabetic type 2 never would be able to curb blood sugar rising, regardless of any diet or active work outs.
     Still Insulin added in injections works perfectly, and with injections of Insulin diabetic can live. Not only live, but get better, restore insulin secretion. It is taken for granted that diabetes can be re-versed. Many people lose weight and re-verse diabetes type is. How? They still keep diet, low carb and low fat.  If so, then why it is pretended that diabetes type 2 reversed? It is not. At any moment numbers of blood sugar is higher then normal. So, why it is pretended that there is no diabetes? When diabetes cured then at any time the numbers are normal, never go up regardless what diet diabetic has. There is no low sugar, nether high spikes in sugar. This is what  diabetes-free living. Number on glucose meter all the time is from 80 mg/dk to 100 mg/dl. If numbers go up or down, it still diabetes.
     It is falsely presented that with weight lose diabetes type 2 can be re-versed, and diabetic can be cured. For how long? For the time of next meal. As soon as diabetic type 2 take next meal, number on glucose meter go up. It is natural. Sugar going up with every meal. Then it going down. In case of diabetes the time between up and down is longer then in case of non diabetic person. Non diabetic person sugar return down to the normal level within two hours. Diabetic, myself for instants, sugar get up up to 5 hours, right for the time to take next meal. Also I can say that non diabetic person sugar does not go over 200 mg/dl. I case of diabetic person, sugar rup over 699 mg/dl, and it is only because glucose meter has that limit and so not show what are real numbers of sugar in blood.
      It is really not clear, why almost 100 years after insulin discovery Insulin still not number one doctor's choice in diabetes treatment but as 100 years ago it is diet and active life style presented as number one treatment for diabetes type 2. Diet was used all the time before insulin discovery. Diabetes was death sentences for every one diagnosed with diabetes. Today there are many nice types of insulin, working perfectly to treat and to cure diabetes. This powerful medicine rejected by Med Pro, and relapsed by bulling and mocking wide fatty fatally ill people. To conceive the true there are type of diabetes created, type 2. No one Med Pro able to say clearly what is it and how differentiate one type of diabetes from another. But we all diagnosed with this mysterious medical condition, no one can diagnose clearly and without prejudice.
     Almost 100 years Insulin on market. Still, diabetes is not curable. 80,000 diabetics type 2 pass away every year due to diabetes. Perfectly curable and treatable medical condition lead to disabilities and Death only because of there is no clear definition what diabetes is, how it is diagnosed, and how progress of treatment can be measured.
    Diabetes type 2 is not people choice. It is medical care choice to let us to live or to kill thousands of us year after year. Money. We are too profitable to let us go, to be healthy and well. The best way to hide the true is to put finger to the victim. So sad story. It is War with severe not visible causalities. No crime. No any investigations. Perfect killing.

via Ravenvoron

Thursday 26 April 2018

Day by Day. April 26, 2018

       Today is happy day. Today Insulin was delivered, and I can sleep well for the next time it would be due, three month. It is all the time very stressful for me when I awaiting Insulin supply. Most time it come easy way, automatic refill. Sometimes it goes in the hard way, like this delivery for instance. The Rx was sent April 12, 2018.  A few days later on file it was note, "Waiting for Doctor approval". Another Rx was sent by doctor. Another note on file, another time to wait. Another number of Rx was sent, and there is the same note on file. I have a lot of problem to  convince doctor why do I need so high dose of insulin. There is Health Plan which can refuse to pay so high price for just one medication, and I need many of them. Happily Insulin is most expensive. And there is Pharmacy which refuse to send medicine to patient. I cannot believe that it is possible, ether doctor, nether health care company, but pharmacy refuse to send medicine. There is nothing what can I do.
     Only today, April 25, 2018  finally there was ring in my door. Insulin arrived. It is in ref. right now, and step by step I collect my pieces together.
    Why do I need so high dose of insulin, 600units daily dose in injections? How can I answer to this question?  I do not know. But it is dose of insulin which which I control blood sugar level. As soon as I decrease dose of injections, sugar take off and go up. My expectations were that with time dose of insulin will be dropping. It is not the case right now but right opposite.
      I do have low blood sugar every day. So, I tried to avoid it and decreased dose of insulin. All sugar started to clamp. Now I just try to deal with low sugar, and take all as it is.
     I do have problems with heart right now. One day after another I feel fainting. Thanks God my man was home. This is why I do not go outside, even for short time. I just try to sit or sleep. Of cause my weight is very very high, it is 380 pounds right now. I never was able to imaging I would be so wide. O,well, I am right now. Of cause it is difficult to heart to move so high weight. Also it is edema, high edema. Heart and all my organs enlarged because of water in it.It was time when blood work show that kidney failing. But there is nothing what was ever done, the same as with heart, so kidney hardly were able to keep working. Now it is much better. At least, I shell not rush to bathroom and there is nothing to release. I can hold long, and I am OK with that. Still body hold water, and there is nothing what I can do right now. I do not use diuretics.
    I do knot know what else can I say. I live day by day, pretty bore. Stay home, watch movie on Amazon video, and color my Coloring books. Really not to much to say.

via Ravenvoron

Tuesday 24 April 2018

The Owl Bag is in the Orange Toolbox

"The owl bag is in the orange toolbox," the text read.

Nope. This isn't where I reveal that we're part of an intriguing spy ring.

The owl bag is, in fact, a small insulated cosmetic bag which currently holds a glucagon kit, one-touch mini meter, strips, a lancet and a pouch of glucose gel.

The orange tool box is a standard-sized portable toolbox which holds a vast array of items useful for repairing band instruments. Screwdrivers of all sizes with screws to fit everything from a piccolo to a marimba, pliers and wires, glue and assorted tape, reeds, mouthpieces and so much more are all housed in this very heavy toolbox which travels to the field for every rehearsal and with the band for every game, competition and concert.

We turned over the owl bag before summer band rehearsals began for freshman year. Over the course of that first year, it could be found in the director's desk drawer, in his messenger bag and on the sidelines of the football field. Last summer, at the start of summer rehearsals, I received the above cryptic text from my daughter. The band director, wisely we think, decided that if the owl bag was always in the orange toolbox, then it would always be in close proximity to the band.

We removed the owl bag from the toolbox and handed it over to the nurse who went on the recent overnight music department trip. It held just the right collection of things the nurse needed to carry. The day the kids returned to school post-trip, I was reassured by a mid-day text from my daughter:

"The owl bag is back in the orange toolbox."

Mission accomplished.

via Adventures in Diabetes Parenting

Saturday 21 April 2018

250 Postings And Changes At Work

Last week's blog posting was my 250th blog posting on Current Research into Cures for Type-1 Diabetes!  Also, this year marks the 10th year of publishing the blog, as the first posting was in June 2008  (although I had created a precursor web page in 2006).

Changes At Work

In March I was laid off from my job as a software developer, so I took advantage of the impending job search to think about what I really wanted to do.  And I decided that what I really wanted was to use my software engineering skills to help the day-to-day lives of people with type-1 diabetes.

I limited my job search to companies that were working directly to make the lives of people with type-1 diabetes easier or better in some way.  I'm lucky to live and work in Silicon Valley, so there are several such companies (and non-profits) in the area.  I'm happy to say that starting in late April, I'll be starting as a "Staff Software Developer in Test" for Bigfoot Biomedical.

Several things attracted me to Bigfoot.  First, they are developing an Artificial Pancreas ("automated insulin dosing and delivery solution"), and I'm absolutely convinced that is the quickest path to better treatment, fewer complications, and an easier life for people who need insulin.  Second, their larger goal is to lower the overall burden of type-1 diabetes.   (Not just create a device that is technically better than the competition's, but to create a whole infrastructure of treatment, supplies, and support that is smooth and easy to use.)  Third, their internal software development infrastructure is cool.  It is what I'd expect from a Silicon Valley start up.

So what does this mean for the blog?

I'm not expecting any changes in the blog.  I stopped blogging on artificial pancreas research years ago, so there is no direct conflict of interest.  I won't be blogging on Bigfoot products or the products of competitors.  On the other hand, I will continue to blog about "current research aimed at curing type-1 diabetes" just as I always have.  For me, Artificial Pancreas type devices are treatments and I blog on cures, so there isn't any overlap.

I've already discussed the blog with the Bigfoot team (many are avid readers), and they are very supportive.  Bigfoot wants it's employees active in the type-1 world, and so being supportive of my blog fits into their general philosophy.

How You Can Help This Blog

There are three ways you can help this blog:
  • Tell someone about it.  I have zero budget for anything, and that includes publicity, so if you like this blog, the best way to help is to tell other people affected by type-1 about the blog.  If every reader, even just once a year, would tell one person affected by type-1 diabetes about this blog, it would reach 1000s of new readers.  And it doesn't matter if you verbally tell one person, tweet/facebook once, post to a forum or group, or send one email to one person.  It all helps.
  • If you read about research aimed at curing type-1 diabetes, which has not been discussed in the blog, then please tell me about it.  My email is below.
  • If you have questions about any blog posting or any research aimed at curing type-1 diabetes, please email your questions, or post them as comments to the blog.  These questions tell me what you care about, and they also tell me where I need to spend more time, so they are very helpful to making the blog better in the long term.
Thanks very much for all your support over all these years of blogging.

Joshua Levy 
publicjoshualevy at gmail dot com
All the views expressed here are those of Joshua Levy, and nothing here is official JDRF, JDCA, or Bigfoot Biomedical news, views, policies or opinions.  In my day job, I work in software for Bigfoot Biomedical.  My daughter has type-1 diabetes and participates in clinical trials, which might be discussed here. My blog contains a more complete non-conflict of interest statement. Thanks to everyone who helps with the blog.

via Cure Research

Thursday 19 April 2018

New Diabetes Guidelines. What's New? April 19. 2018

[Editor's Note: These recommend setting most A1c targets between 7% and 8%, scaling back treatment when A1c drops below 6.5%, and avoiding A1c targets altogether in elderly and chronically ill patients where harms might outweigh benefits.]
        Interesting, is not it? Really, what does it mean when A1c between 4.8% and 5.9%? Does it mean that patient is no longer diabetic, does not need insulin? Without insulin what would happen with A1c as soon as insulin injections stopped? Do your trial study if there are many diabetics type 2 who has this level of sugar in blood. There are not too many if any. If so then say me, why diabetics who improved level of sugar and very closer to be cured and diabetes type 2 free, why this diabetic must be scaling back? Does this diabetic getting more ill, disabled, or any health problem in addition to those which are already in the basket? Not at all. Diabetic getting better, and this is the problem. There is no Cure for diabetics type 2. When cure is very close, the treatment must be stalled back, and diabetic must be put on scale to be ready for fatty coffin.
       To set the record straight, they are (ACP)very concerned about hypoglycemia risk and weight gain. I am also very concerned about hypoglycemia and weight gain. And in all of the older studies, these were major risks.
     For the record, those of us who was able to get to the point A1c<6.5% already do know very well how to deal with low blood sugar. It is danger for those who has A1c>8% with sugar rising above 400 mg/dl. Also I will say that the danger of low sugar is higher when sugar is higher. Interesting discrepancy, then higher level of sugar then loser it drops, and faster. With sugar around normal level sugar drops slow, and low sugar even when it is really low such as 42mg/dl, is not so danger. Paradox in Diabetes type 2 treatment with Insulin Injections.
      There is another paradox, weight gain. It does not happen when blood sugar start to drop with insulin injections. Weight start to drop, or stop to getting up. I am prove of that. My weight does not go up with 600 units of Lantus Solo Star. It stay on the level as it was before, 380 pounds, and a little bit less. This is for records only.
But we now have drugs that do not cause hypoglycemia and weight gain. We actually have drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes that reduce both cardiovascular risk and progression of nephropathy. So, I think the way the world looks for the treatment of type 2 diabetes now is quite different from the world when the studies they are quoting were conducted. (Anne Peters)
Say me, what drugs are they that does not cause both, weight gain and hypoglycemia?  There is no drugs like that. There are limited number of studies, yes. If we do not have info it does not mean that the point can be taken for granted. Show me one diabetic type 2 who started drugs and did not gain weight? Well, it can be Invokana. Invokana is strong diuretic. Invokana leads to weight loss and CVD, Death as a result of stroke, MI, or kidney failure. I never take Invokana, or any other diuretics.
     The drug which does not cause low blood sugar is Metformin, very popular number one MD choice. Metformin does not effect level of sugar, so why it is Rx as treatment for Diabetics type 2? Because of it is cheap, and MD can Rx it without any problem. All problems will come later. This is why Diabetes type 2 is number 7 cause of Death in America. Over 80,000 diabetics die every year due to diabetes. With Insulin ready on market, perfect cure for diabetes of any type, it is not MD choice when Diabetic type 2 come to clinic. The result is, less then 10 years after being diagnosed with diabetes type 2 diabetic die if one did not stop all medicine for diabetes type 2 and started to take Insulin, Insulin only as First drug to treat diabetes type 2. In this case diabetic type 2 keep to walk on two legs, and with time can be cured.
"We know irrefutably that reducing the A1c to below 7% is associated with a reduction in diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy." (ACP)
 If so then say me, what is the reason for me to "caling back treatment"? My A1c< 5.9% now. This took years to go High - Low, and now what, to take that swing another time? Say m, why do I need it? I do not. It is ACP who need to keep me on the top of diabetes danger list. I do not need it. But I need insulin to keep my sugaar under Diabetes type 2 cut level. With Guidance like that Insulin supply would be stopped. Sugar really very fast will go back to 699 mg/dl and over. This is swing we are all on.

 You may say that we do not have lots of good, long-term data about these new treatments, but I believe that we actually have a lot of data to inform us. (Anne Peters)
      OK, I got it, there is no data about new treatments, What about "old" treatments, Metformin and SU?  Is there are data how this drugs work? Not at all. Both these drugs are not expensive, so there is nothing to worry about them. Does that drug treat or cure, diabetes type 2, or lead to reduce nephropathy? No. If "no" then why do I need drugs which does not do what they Rx to do, and all what left just side effects? Thank you so much, I will not bite it.
 They say that if someone's A1c is too low, and the patient is getting hypoglycemic and gaining weight, back off. I could not agree more. (Anne Peters)
I am not agree.
     At first, say me, how do I know if my A1c is too low? Really, it is easy to say, but this test we do have  in best way 3 within the year. Many of us do not have this test at all, or less then year.
      Second, how MD do know if I do have low blood sugar? Only if I said it, or I was treated in hospital caused by low blood sugar. Usually we do not go to hospital when sugar is low. We go to kitchen and grab something to eat. So, there is no one way that MD do know about my low blood sugar.
    So, Anne Peters and ACP agree in what? Only in one point, they do not know what id Diabetes type 2 and how Human Body System works. I am agree with that.
If I have a 50- or 60-year-old with new-onset disease, who I believe does not have a number of limiting comorbidities, that patient may well live longer than 10 years, longer than 20 years, maybe even longer than 30 years. That patient may say, "I want my target to be less than 7% so that I avoid those complications." (Anne Peters)
    Sorry, does not it sound as discrimination? What are difference between 50, 60, and 16 years old in regard of diabetes treatment? 16 years old would be treated with Insulin and live over next 70 years. 60 years old would be treated with SU, get amputation, at first one leg, then another leg, and heart attacks and all what is possible to get. But A.P.right, diabetic type 2 who today is 60 years old will live 10 years and probably 20 years, miserable, in pain and suffering, paying high price for discrimination, collect pounds, gain weight, and finally rejected by society that this diabetic who lived up to 60 years old, must be treated with disciplinary correction. 16 years old does not need any disciplinary correction. It is slim and pretty.

via Ravenvoron

Monday 16 April 2018

Day by Day. April 14, 2018

April 14, 2018
Sugar is 62 mg/dl.
 Big surprise for me, why? Yesterday I injected only 307 units. Today sugar is just perfect. Really, why?
     Last night I was not able to fall asleep. I injected 670 units, 305 before bed. Probably this is why I was not able to sleep. But in the morning when it is time for day activity I fall asleep and slept up to over 3 pm. Yesterday we did have concert in The Met, so we come back too late. I did not take shot, fall asleep right away after meal, good meal because of i was very hungry. It was my expectations that sugar would be over 100 but not too much over it. The surprise, sugar just perfect. Just a few days early I skipped second injection. I thought I inject too much insulin, and probably I do nor need this dose. Right away sugar went over 120 mg/dl. Just one skipped shot, and sugar went up. I posted it here. So, why today sugar just perfect?  I still do not have answer.
    OK, I am back to my regular routine. I take 305 units right after first meal. I took all my med. I took 6 Excedrin. I do have headache right now, so I take Excedrin higher dose then usual.

I hoped that dose of insulin will dropping, it is right opposite now. In stead to drop, dose of insulin getting higher. Why? Why right now dose of insulin getting up and up?

There are a lot of posts and Med Pro publications how to reverse diabetes type 2. I would take it as true if mortality due to diabetes would dropping. It does not go in this way right now. Mortality due to diabetes type 2 still on number 7 spot. If so then there is no one way to take it as granted that all that posts and Med Pro publications are true and with Starvation diets and any other diets diabetes type 2 can be reversed or cured.
       Maybe it is another way around?
I do not try to reverse diabetes. All what I do try just keep my numbers withing healthy range. For this reason I take dose of insulin as it takes to keep sugar. It does not matter it is higher or lower, just as much as it need.
     So, today fasting sugar is 45 mg/dl. Is this low sugar? I do not know. I injected Yesterday 610 units of Lantus Solo Star, as usual, and there is no problem so far with. I adapted to low sugar. I take bottle of coffee right after reading was taken. It is rain today. Sugar is  usually lower in rainy days. I think I have to take one hour readings. It is time to take my studies.

via Ravenvoron

Sunday 15 April 2018

Stem Cell Educator Starts Two Phase-II Trials

The Stem Cell Educator (SCE) is an attempt to cure established type-1 diabetes by exposing a patient's immune cells to umbilical stem cells, and then returning the cells back to the patient.  Each person had a blood draw, and then a particular kind of immune cell was separated from the blood and specially processed.  The processing phase uses umbilical cord stem cells previously donated by a third party.  The patient's own "educated" immune cells were then returned to the patient.  The stem cells did not go into the person; they were only used for the external processing.

In the last six months, two new studies have started, which I blog on below.  The first is in New Jersey and the second Beijing.

The New Jersey Clinical Trial (NCT02624804)

This study will enroll 10 people.  Everyone will be treated (no control group, no blinding).
The end points are mostly safety related, but there will be some efficiency related end points as well.  There is no mention of collecting efficiency data (such as C-peptide numbers, A1c data, blood glucose, insulin usage, etc.)

This study has started recruiting.  There was hope it would start in mid 2017, but the study needed some lab infrastructure which the medical center did not have at that time, hence the delay while the new labs were set up.

Recruiting at one site: Hackensack University Medical Center
    Hackensack, New Jersey, United States, 07601
    Contact: Mariefel Vendivil    551-996-5828 
    Contact: Andrea Ortega    551-996-3923 

Clinical Trial Records:
But note that this clinical trial record is out of date.  The study has not yet started recruiting, no efficiency end points are listed, and the completion dates are too short.

The Beijing Clinical Trial (NCT03390231)

This study will enroll 100 people.  Everyone will be treated (no control group, no blinding).
The primary end point will measure specific immune cells (which are involved in type-1 diabetes) one month after treatment.  Secondary end points will cover insulin sensitivity after a month, and A1c, blood glucose, and c-peptide measurements after three months.

They started in Nov-2017, and hope to finish in either July-2018 or Dec-2020 (see discussion below).

Recruiting at one site: Department of Endocrinology, Chinese PLA General Hospital
    Beijing, China, 100853
    Contact: Yu Cheng, MD,PhD    86 10 55499301 
    Contact: Yiming Mu, MD,PhD    86 10 55499301 

Clinical Trial Records:


Differing Results: This treatment has been previously tested twice before.  One of these clinical trials had strong results, but the other one had very weak results.  I've blogged on these in the past:

The researchers believe they understand why the two trials had different results, and are hoping to apply this knowledge to the current two trials, in order to get better results.

Date confusion: The FDA's clinical trial registration page requires researchers to list three dates for a clinical trial: start date, primary completion, and study completion.  (Once the trial starts, the first is known, while the second two are estimated.)  The primary completion date is when the last data for the primary outcome will be gathered.  The study completion date is when the last data for the study will be gathered.

For the Beijing study, the primary completion date is May-2018 and the study completion date is Dec-2020.  However, the primary end point is a month after treatment, while the secondary end points are either one or three months after treatment.  So that means the study completion date should be two months after the primary completion date, not 2 1/2 years!  My guess is that there are some two year end points as well, which are not listed in the clinical trial registry.   (The New Jersey trial also has two year end points which are not listed in the registry database.)

Joshua Levy
publicjoshualevy at gmail dot com
All the views expressed here are those of Joshua Levy, and nothing here is official JDRF or JDCA news, views, policies or opinions. My daughter has type-1 diabetes and participates in clinical trials, which might be discussed here. My blog contains a more complete non-conflict of interest statement. Thanks to everyone who helps with the blog.

via Cure Research

Friday 13 April 2018

Kindness Counts

Not a diabetes post, but from the heart. 
Wait, I take that back. Kindness counts in life and life with diabetes - so while this post isn't about diabetes - kindness matters when it comes to life.... and life with diabetes

I was on my way to get my stitches out at UrgentCare the other night. 
Traffic was bordering on crappy, I was getting hungry (and bordering on hungry,) so I decided to stop at the Starbucks looming in the distance, grab an early dinner and “wait out,” the traffic.
With knapsack on my back and Starbucks coffee card in hand, I grabbed a table, took off my coat and plopped my knapsack down on the two-top, then went to place my order. 
I’d noticed when I walked in that many of the small tables had been pushed together and the single occupants of said tables had spread out their stuff and made their own office cubicle - and just because they could. 
And that really bugged me. Why take up two tables and 3 to 4 chairs for one person - especially when seating was scarce. 
But I didn't say anything because sometimes I’ve been accused of making a  mountain out of molehill — and I was bordering on hangry - things could get ugly quick. 
So I said nothing - and I didn’t feel good about it.
 Nope, I just stood in line and ordered my egg white, spinach and feta wrap with extra sriratcha. 

Cut to 25 minutes later: My delicious wrap devoured, computer set up, and yours truly typing away on a WORD file at my tiny table. 
The front door opened and 3 elderly women walked in, one of whom was struggling to use her  walker. 
The ladies stopped in their tracks - midway between the counter and seating, when they realized their wasn’t a seat to be had. 
I know I wasn’t the only who watched them struggle to find a place to sit - but nobody offered to give up their extra table or seat. Nobody did anything.

So I did. 

I stood up, looked around and assessed the situation. I asked the girl sitting behind me if she was using her extra table - she was - her boyfriend was in the bathroom and  her mom were in line grabbing coffee. 
I asked if I could use her extra seat, (there were 4 chairs,) and she gave it to me willingly. 
Another woman at a table near the wall offered her extra table (which I didn’t even realize she had,) and I asked a man sitting in primo spot near the outlet if I could have his extra chair - and he said, “SURE.” 
Everyone was nice…. except the teenage girl’s mother who had just come back from getting her coffee. She gave me a dirty look and told me I’d taken her seat. 
I didn’t have time to make a federal case and I didn't take it personally.
I apologized, put the chair back, grabbed my extra seat and set up the table next to mine. 

Then I motioned for 3 women to come on over. 
It took less than 2 minutes from start to finish and the 3 ladies were shocked and grateful. 
Head Lady In Charge: I was watching what you were doing, but I didn’t know you were doing it for us - THANK YOU.
ME: No worries, there’s room enough for everyone!

The teen's mom tapped me on the shoulder and apologized - and told me quietly that she didn’t realize what I was doing. 
 I could tell she felt bad. It was a misunderstanding and I told her just that.
 And I meant every word.

Between you and me, when I saw those three women, images of of my own beautiful mom popped into my head. And I thought of my friend Mark who would take my sister Debbie to the mall - wheel chair and all, when I’d lost patience with her
I also thought of my friend Cathy, who drove her 93 pound dog Misty to the Rehab Center 
35 minutes from where we lived, to visit my Uncle B (who loved dogs,) in the rehab center after his health had taken a turn for the worse and 4 weeks before he died. 

And in my head I thought: KINDNESS COUNTS


And Kindness matters. 

15 minutes later, a Starbucks employee walked up to me on the sly, bent down and whispered in my ear so that the 3 ladies couldn't hear: “what you did was so awesome, THANK-YOU,” and dropped a $10 Starbucks Gift card on my keyboard. 

And then it was my turn to be shocked and appreciative of her kind gesture. 

It doesn’t take much to look up from our screens and do the right thing. 
It doesn’t cost any money to be nice and engage with others - we all need to do that more often. 

We all need to look up from our screens more than we do, look around and consider others, not just ourselves. We need make sure everyone has a seat at the table of life. 

Kindness not only counts, kindness matters and a little kindness goes a hell of a long way in a world that needs more kindness and compassion

Kindness makes us feel good and gives us perspective on the world around us and the people in it. 

And kindness comes back to you -  which is also very cool. 

via Diabetesaliciousness

Dose of insulin getting up. April 13, 2018

Fasting sugar is 62 mg/dl.
Yesterday it was 670 units of insulin. No mistake. Just too high blood sugar level. Today fasting is 62 mg/dl. Dose of insulin getting up and up. I do not see high blood sugar rising. Nether do I have very low blood sugar dropping. Usually it is 52 mg/dl. fasting in the morning. But I almost do not take reading at other time of day. Really I have to take one hour blood sugar readings. I did not take it long time for now.
    I expected dropping in insulin dose. In contrary dose of insulin getting up. Now I need to take from 400 units up to 600 units. In other words, it is 3 pens for 2 days. I take all dose in two shots, 305 units in the morning and 305 or 160 units in the eve or bed time. I try to avoid low blood sugar. But it is looks like then more I avoid low blood sugar then lower it dropping. In contrary, then more insulin I inject then more even and flat blood sugar readings.
     Really it is big surprise for me. Still, regardless of any unexpected readings, I still keep blood sugar out of high level. It is good. The friend of mine, he was diabetic type 1, used to take insulin, started to lose weight with drink, TaiSlim, and he lost 136 pounds. I asked him, how was his sugar.
     "It is good." - he answered.- "in the morning it is 42 mg/dl."
      "WOW!" - I was really surprised  how he reacted to so low sugar. -"It is low."
      "No. I start to eat, and sugar getting up."
At that time 42 mg/dl was very low for me. I got dysfunctional. Sometimes even 100 mg/dl was too low, I could not walk. Now time passed and the same as my friend, I have 42 or 52 in the morning, then I eat, and sugar getting up. Last time I met him he was out of insulin. His daughter  also got out of insulin, very beautiful now.

     There are many posts on-line and links, how people lost weight with different diets, and now they are diabetes-free. They aggressively push their understanding and their 'discoveries' to everyone. There is no one diet which can lead to diabetes cure. For the short time after weight loss sugar may get normal. Then there is another round, and diabetes getting to the higher level, one round after another. All pounds come back. Level of sugar getting higher.
     I am not Med. Pro. I do not give any advice to anyone. I just post my experience. Now I lost. All what I expected got up side down. I am really lost. Why dose of insulin suddenly get up? I tried to take dose of insulin back as it was before, 300 units daily dose. Right after one missed insulin shot next day fasting got over 120 mg/dl. I do not let sugar get higher, so I inject what keep my sugar under control, from 400 to 600 units. I just do not have my answer right now.

via Ravenvoron

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Why Medicine leadse to progression diabetes type 2? April 11, 2018

Can diabetes type 2 be cured or reversed with diet? Show me how.
    There are a lot of books, videos, and publications that diet can reverse diabetes type 2 and reduce insulin resistance. In all that publications it is said that level of sugar in blood is not the diabetes, it is only symptom of diabetes. So, diet will lead to weight loss, so level of sugar in blood would drop. Diabetes type 2, insulin resistance would be cured. Really? It is just said that level of sugar in blood is just symptom. So, if level of sugar in blood is normal it does not mean that there is no diabetes, right? I do have normal blood sugar level day after day. Am I diabetic or not?
     When I read all that MD publications and watch their videos, I just surprise, why people do not see how ridiculous the publications are? In the conclusion the statement over-crossed. It is simple. If level of sugar is just symptom then what is the treatment? The treatment is for any type of diabetes at any time to add insulin in blood. The insulin can be added in injections, or by forcing own body system to secret more insulin, or to reduce glucose level  and decrease the demand in insulin. In any case the balance between sugar and insulin must be kept. The level of sugar in blood show if the balance is right so there are still sugar in blood and system secret sufficient amount of insulin in accordance to the body system demand. If sugar in blood is low or high, then there is no balance between source of energy and insulin available to keep body system running.
    So, diabetes is the abnormal level of sugar in blood due to low or not sufficient insulin secretion. If insulin secretion is higher then demand in insulin then blood sugar would be low, and it is not diabetes but another medical condition, Alzheimer disease.
     Why medicine does not cure diabetes type 2 but lead to diabetes type 2 progression?  All type of medicine developed to add insulin to bloodstream. But only insulin is the medicine which does not destroy other healthy working organs of diabetic's body.
       SU increase insulin in blood by forcing already limited insulin secreting beta cells to secret more not-needed insulin and lead to kill beta-cells, to decrease amount of beta-cells.
     Metformin demand more insulin by increasing sensitivity of muscles to insulin, and forcing liver do not release glucose our body system use between meals.
     Invokana reduce water in body system, and leads to develop clots in dense blood stream.
     Other types of medicine try to mimic insulin or simple fool own body system and it never good.
     Insulin is only medicine which  leads to treat diabetes by adding insulin in injections that body system can use and food can be used as source energy. Insulin is not treatment for diabetics type 2, because of, according to many publications, we are insulin-resistant to insulin, and that in our blood there are abnormally high level of insulin. This level of insulin if it is abnormally high or abnormally low never was tested.
    There are test to check up the level of insulin in blood, not really insulin but C Peptides. So, is this test really show the level of insulin our body system needs to healthy living? Show me the range of normal healthy insulin level. In my blood work this level from "0" to "5". So, if in my blood level of C Peptides is "1" then it is normal healthy level of insulin. Also never forget, we have to take test Fasting. So, if "0" is normal level for insulin secretion then after meal what this level can be? Differently to say, we do not need insulin at all.
    The level of C Peptides is not test MD have to take to diagnose diabetes type 2. The result is, diagnose of medical condition based on personal MD opinion. If MD is not fancy to use insulin then regardless of the level of insulin secretion, how low it is, diabetic would be diagnosed as 'insulin resistant diabetic type 2' and then he would be treated that there are a lot of insulin in blood. There is no one way for patient to prove that diabetic type 2 eat right and work out and lead active healthy life style. Diabetes will progressing.
     There are many publications by Med Pro and those who follow them that insulin is danger, bad medicine, and for diabetics type 2 it leads to progress of insulin resistance. If these was true then insulin would not be part of treatment for diabetics type 2 when diabetic type 2 admitted to the hospital with high blood sugar level.  n contrary, all diabetics type 2 in hospital treated with insulin, and benefit from insulin added in blood stream in injections. Only insulin bring diabetic type 2 out of coma back to life.

via Ravenvoron

Tuesday 10 April 2018

My GTMH Bag... That Goes Inside My Big Bag

We all have our own diabetes idiosyncrasies - I certainly have mine! 
They make us feel safe, keep us organized - even if they can occasionally annoy the crap out of us!
I was leaving a meeting the other night — walking down the darkened hallway, the last out the door — besides the organizer and a couple of stragglers. 
I reached inside my work bag to make sure that I had my Omnipod PDM before walking out the door and to my car. 
I’d tossed my PDM (in its funky Owl PDM case),in my work bag after checking my blood sugar during the meeting, but hadn’t placed in the zippered “Go-To / Must Have,” bag ( and which shall be referred to as my GTMH Bag for the rest of this post), I keep in my work bag. 

My GTMH Bag contains my phone, wallet, pod ppm/test-strips case, an extra tube of glucose tabs, and lipsticks in various shades because I'm all about options.

Yes, bags/cases, inside bags. Say what you want, but that medium size zippered bag keeps all my important must-haves in one spot and prevents them from spilling all over, inside my jam-packed big-ass bag. And that works for me. 
Also: D-Bags are important!
Also: HA-HA  

Earlier, I'd checked my blood sugar during the meeting and on the sly and hadn't put it back in the GTMH Bag 
I felt around my work bag and knowing it wasn’t in the GTMH Bag. 
I couldn’t find it. And I started to get a little nervous, but I played it cool. 
“Wait one-second and sorry guys, let me just make sure I have my insulin pod’s PDM,” I said all nonchalant and while my heart was beating a million miles per minute  
I knelt down, slightly embarrassed and full on determined to be quick about it. 
I stuck my hand in my bag and felt around, finally finding my pod case next to my notebook and a KIND bar — safe and sound and exactly where I’d put it. 

Me: FOUND IT and sorry for the hold up, guys.
Sally: That’s OK - it took 10 seconds! It must be hard always having to carry stuff around.
Me: Nahhh, not hard. Well OK, sometimes it is. 
But it's a luxury and a necessity that I’m grateful to have - even if it comes with some crap annoying moments. We all have stuff to deal with— mine happens to involves extra electronicals, food, and other D stuff. 

And then we said our goodnights, walked to our perspective cars and  people started driving off.  
Right after I looked my doors and put the key in the ignition, but before put I put my car in DRIVE and headed home, I turned on the overhead light and made sure that all my important items were in the my GTMH Bag.
Phone, wallet, extra roll of glucose tabs and lipstick case — all where they should be.
Then I grabbed my pod PDM/test-strips case, tucked it in my medium GTMH bag, zipped it up tight, and placed it back in my work bag.

All was right in my world and I was good to go~

via Diabetesaliciousness

Monday 9 April 2018

Diabetes type 2 Locomotors.

Researchers have designed and tested an app for self-managing diabetes for insight into how personality differences might explain why mobile health apps help some patients more than others.
 The title of article is how personality effect self-managing diabetes. So, I found it is interesting to take a look. and what? Authors of studies easy to mix "managing' and 'monitoring'. They do not care what is difference between two this actions. Ok, let us be clear,
the ' monitoring' is the way how to take blood sugar reading and how we organize these data. The 'managing' is, what actions we take to keep blood sugar level in healthy target. So, what is difference between if I use app to monitor and store data or not? I even do not have any app to use. Still, my blood sugar under good control. So what? How my personality effect self-managing diabetes?
      "Locomotors, more than assessors, benefited from the app, as the relationship between locomotion and performance over time was a bit stronger," says one of the researchers, Michelle Dugas, a social psychologist and post-doctoral researcher at UMD's Center for Health Information & Decision Systems (CHIDS).
 What do you think, how much these studies were cost? It is post-doctoral researcher who studied .... really what did he studied? What did he found? Money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no one more reason to find anything.There is even no need in study. Simple, let associate to create cheap paper, and then publish it under your high name. Money will follow. It is not clear what is 'locomotor' and who is 'assessor'? Ask Mrs. M. Dugas, probably he do know it. Really, I am not sure.
"We plan to build on these initial findings and continue to research to better understand who benefits from different types of mHealth treatments and why," she says. "We anticipate the results will give additional insight into how to craft tailored mHealth tools that will be more effective for more people."
I am sorry. In full publication I did not see any word what treatment was used. Not in last paragraph it is stated that there are different types of treatment. Say me, which one was used for locomotors and how this treatment was differ from those assessors? 

via Ravenvoron

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Danger of Diets. April 4, 2018

Atkins. Paleo. Whole360. Fruitarian. Skip gluten on Wednesdays unless it’s a full moon. No matter which diet your try, the data is in. And the message is clear: Diets don’t work. At least not in the long run. Sure, you can lose weight, but after a year, at least 1 in 3 of us gain it back. After 5 years? Almost no one keeps it off.
This is all about Dieting in own Med Words. What really more we needs to be said?
       If one took own studies, one will see, diet bring health complications, but never no one diet bring cure for Diabetes type 2. I do not know about dieting for other medical problems. I do know well too well how dieting danger for diabetics type 2. I am diabetic type 2.
       One point about diabetics type 2 is that there is no one test which will show when diabetic is type 1, type 2, LADA, MODY, or any other types of diabetes. The test, any test, show only that patient is Diabetic. Still, there are no one test which will show the type of diabetes.  Long time ago Dr. Joslin determined Insulin Resistant type of diabetes when dose of insulin to keep diabetic patient out of coma and death was higher then 200 units. Now Insulin Resistance presented as type of diabetes when insulin is out of needs for diabetic patient. Diabetes is number 7 cause of death in America.
      Another very odd part of treatment for diabetics type 2 is that we can be cured with Starvation diet. The question is, for how long diabetic can survive on Starvation diet? As long as history show, there is no one way to survive on Starvation diet. Eventually every one will die.
      In contrary with Starvation Insulin Therapy, the treatment with Insulin added in injections, not only prolong diabetic's life but lead to Cure of Diabetes type 2. Prove? Just try to take off definition that Diabetes is abnormally elevated level of sugar in blood and replace it with definition that Diabetes is limited insulin secretion, and all will stand on own place, logical and clear.
 Your fat cells make a hormone called leptin. It tells your brain when you have enough fat stored up. As you lose weight, less fat means less leptin. That makes you hungry. Plus, your body slows things down to save energy. So once you quit the diet, you have an oversized appetite but you burn fewer calories. That’s partly why after several cycles of yo-yo diets, you might weigh more than when you started.
OK, we can say that we can curb appetite and so we would eat less and there would not problem with weight. Unfortunately, it does not work in this way. Remember pregnant women? Regardless how less food available for them, they get weight gain. In any time, in any place, pregnant women gain weight. If there is not food available for them embryo die, so does woman.
     What I try to say that at any time we try to fool our body, we have strike back, and we loose. Then more we abuse ourselves with restrictions, less rest and more work outs, less meal and more activities, then deeper we skip into health complications.
Just a few extra pounds can set off huge changes in your body. You get more inflammation, which normally helps you fight disease. And it can harm your heart and make you more resistant to insulin. Genes that can lead to an enlarged heart get switched on, too. Lose the weight, and you mostly erase these changes. But you don’t totally reset, and the long-term health effects are unclear.
WOW! I do not think I can say anything more then that. WebMed said it all.
     Still, it is not my point to relay on authority to support any my statement. What I do suggest, to take a look at own life. Did you try to lose weight? I did. In past I just keep my diet healthy, and my appetite  reasonable. I was perfectly fit. Then weight started to rain on my body. I tried to keep it off. I went to Fitness club, worked out hard, and .... weight just got up and up. It took time to realize,  I am going in wrong direction. So, I simple stopped to fight with myself, and I accepted that I am who I am, so be so. Simple.
     Now in stead to fight pounds I keep all my attention to fight for my life. I try to survive with diabetes type 2.  I stopped to take all trash medicine such as Metformin and SU, Glipizide. I try really very hard to find how to improve my own insulin secretion with injections of Insulin. This is very difficult to do because of all education publications for diabetics type 2 based on the idea that we have to reduce weight, take diets, and Metformin as number one doctor's choice. Also to fight pounds I have to take Diuretics, water pills. From my observations, water pills lead to increase of sugar in my blood and .... weight gain. No one can believe in that. Diuretics lead to weight loss. So, why I pretend that I gain weight? I do not pretend. The time when I lost weight with diuretics in past. I used to lose weight in past. Now it is another time, and I gain weight with diuretics.
      I am very happy to find the publication like that. I hope there are some changes on the way. Maybe, just maybe, one day all that madness with diets and diuretics and Invocana and weight loss as treatment for diabetes type 2 would be over, Insulin would be first line in diabetes treatment. Diabetes type 2 would be history. The same as Consumption, the diagnose of TB in past.

via Ravenvoron

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Mondays Man....Amirite? Also: Sometimes We Do Stupid Sh*t.

Hey guys - HAPPY APRIL and HAPPY….. spring?

The first day of spring brought snow and followed by a short week and holiday weekend.  
Easter/Passover weekend kicked off Friday night and well into the early hours of Saturday morning -with several bad sites, resulting in multiple omnipod site changes - including one a few minutes before 5 a.m.
Can somebody please invent a Dead Spot Detector, STAT!!! 
Saturday required copious amounts of caffeine, completing deadline that I had planned to start at 9 a.m. on the dot, but didn't start until closer to noon. But I did it!
And finally, trying on and ordering much needed new prescription RX sunglasses at a great price — and to match my new prescription specs - also purchased at a great price.
More on a good deal re: fancy and much needed new RX eye wear once I see (also, see what I did there,) if my second pair works out.  

 Easter Sunday was peaceful and involved a 3 mile beach hike on the one seasonably/warm day in forever, lots of sea glass and Easter chocolate. Yep, it was a good day. 

Then Monday came along. Mondays, man…. amirite? 
Yesterday was most certainly a Monday - and involved me receiving ten stitches on the top of my foot. 
Sometimes, we do stupid shit. 
Like, breaking a glass on Saturday - and even though you swept and vacuumed, DO NOT walk around barefoot — and if you wear glasses because you're blind as a bat - WEAR THEM.  

And if you spill tortilla chips on the floor; then think you stepped on one of the chips as you grab the dust pan to clean up, then wipe said “chip” from the bottom of your right foot to the top of your other foot, (and think for one split second , look how dexterous my toes are,) and before you bend over start sweeping up - MAKE SURE IT’S A DAMN TORTILLA CHIP - and not a freaking shard of glass. 
Also, even if you clean the big ass cut on the top of your foot with cold water and antibacterial everything — do not wipe it down with alcohol IV Prep pads — because the sticky stuff will get all over and make your cut look weird, and you will start to freak — until you remember that’s there’s sticky stuff on the IV Prep Pad. 
Then you have to clean it all over again, apply pressure, and keep your balance/embrace your inner contortionist while doing all of the above. 
Also, your heart will beat super fast as all of this is happening and you might feel a little nausea when you see all the blood.
ALSO: When in doubt, get checked out. 
I went to UrgentCare because I wanted to make sure the big old cut on top of my foot was clean and bacteria free - you could have knocked me over with a feather when they told me t required stitches - 10 of them. 
That would be when I freaked a bit - OK, a lot a bit. 
Because quite frankly, I’d remained weirdly calm from the time I cut myself; cleaned myself up, drove to UrgentCare, and right up until the moment they told me I needed stitches. 
Living with type 1 for as long as I have and knowing about what can happen when it comes to our feet, I couldn't hold back anymore. 

Yep, the waterworks started. 

The Positive: I texted friends to mentally calm myself - like if I was going to bleed out, at least a few friends what was going on
My friends are indeed good and they eased my mind.
The nurses were kind, and the Doctor on call administering the stitches was an extremely talented (and very sweet,) retired cardiac surgeon  - so you know my scar is going to look fierce! 

My blood sugars behaved quite nicely and I appreciated that. 

Rest, Ice, and elevation for the first few days - and walking around in sneakers - the left one knotted on the side, not laced on top, all week.

It looks like stepping up my spring cardio will be postponed until I get my stitches out next Tuesday. Speaking of steps… as in walking, National Walk to Work Day is on April 6th — which is more like "National Walk at Work," week for most. Either or - read my article about it, HERE

Today was better than yesterday, tomorrow will be better than today, and I am a lucky duck, indeed~

via Diabetesaliciousness