
Friday, 27 April 2018

Is it possible to re-verse diabetes type 2? April 27, 2018

Sugar is 52 mg/dl.
I got my insulin supply, and now I am free to take good blood sugar control. I take 610 units of Lantus Solo star every day now. Huge dose someone would say. Probably yes, probably it is no so huge. It is expensive, very expensive, and I am 380 pounds in weight. Usually people see person like myself and they do understand, why I am diabetic type 2. It is very easy to understand with so aggressive brain washing propaganda. It is put on as true that diabetes resulted by poor diet and this is why people do have diabetes. Almost 100 years after insulin discovery, we still die because of diabetes. We still live in misery and pain.
     Really it is interesting, how diabetes presented by Med Pro. No one will treat cold or flu that one did it for him/herself. No one treat teeth pain that it is resulted by eating. But diabetes, it is resulted by poor diet, and so it is diabetic type 2 choice to live or to die. Just take a look at the first line of treatment when diabetes type 2 diagnosed. Diet. Nothing but diet. Then medicine would be used as add-on. The undermined is, diabetic could not curb appetite and this is why medicine added. Medicine for diabetic type 2 is SU. Only SU can decrease level of sugar by forcing poorly working diabetic's pancreas to secret more insulin. Within short time insulin secretion start to decline, and diabetic type 2 never would be able to curb blood sugar rising, regardless of any diet or active work outs.
     Still Insulin added in injections works perfectly, and with injections of Insulin diabetic can live. Not only live, but get better, restore insulin secretion. It is taken for granted that diabetes can be re-versed. Many people lose weight and re-verse diabetes type is. How? They still keep diet, low carb and low fat.  If so, then why it is pretended that diabetes type 2 reversed? It is not. At any moment numbers of blood sugar is higher then normal. So, why it is pretended that there is no diabetes? When diabetes cured then at any time the numbers are normal, never go up regardless what diet diabetic has. There is no low sugar, nether high spikes in sugar. This is what  diabetes-free living. Number on glucose meter all the time is from 80 mg/dk to 100 mg/dl. If numbers go up or down, it still diabetes.
     It is falsely presented that with weight lose diabetes type 2 can be re-versed, and diabetic can be cured. For how long? For the time of next meal. As soon as diabetic type 2 take next meal, number on glucose meter go up. It is natural. Sugar going up with every meal. Then it going down. In case of diabetes the time between up and down is longer then in case of non diabetic person. Non diabetic person sugar return down to the normal level within two hours. Diabetic, myself for instants, sugar get up up to 5 hours, right for the time to take next meal. Also I can say that non diabetic person sugar does not go over 200 mg/dl. I case of diabetic person, sugar rup over 699 mg/dl, and it is only because glucose meter has that limit and so not show what are real numbers of sugar in blood.
      It is really not clear, why almost 100 years after insulin discovery Insulin still not number one doctor's choice in diabetes treatment but as 100 years ago it is diet and active life style presented as number one treatment for diabetes type 2. Diet was used all the time before insulin discovery. Diabetes was death sentences for every one diagnosed with diabetes. Today there are many nice types of insulin, working perfectly to treat and to cure diabetes. This powerful medicine rejected by Med Pro, and relapsed by bulling and mocking wide fatty fatally ill people. To conceive the true there are type of diabetes created, type 2. No one Med Pro able to say clearly what is it and how differentiate one type of diabetes from another. But we all diagnosed with this mysterious medical condition, no one can diagnose clearly and without prejudice.
     Almost 100 years Insulin on market. Still, diabetes is not curable. 80,000 diabetics type 2 pass away every year due to diabetes. Perfectly curable and treatable medical condition lead to disabilities and Death only because of there is no clear definition what diabetes is, how it is diagnosed, and how progress of treatment can be measured.
    Diabetes type 2 is not people choice. It is medical care choice to let us to live or to kill thousands of us year after year. Money. We are too profitable to let us go, to be healthy and well. The best way to hide the true is to put finger to the victim. So sad story. It is War with severe not visible causalities. No crime. No any investigations. Perfect killing.

via Ravenvoron

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