
Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Danger of Diets. April 4, 2018

Atkins. Paleo. Whole360. Fruitarian. Skip gluten on Wednesdays unless it’s a full moon. No matter which diet your try, the data is in. And the message is clear: Diets don’t work. At least not in the long run. Sure, you can lose weight, but after a year, at least 1 in 3 of us gain it back. After 5 years? Almost no one keeps it off.
This is all about Dieting in own Med Words. What really more we needs to be said?
       If one took own studies, one will see, diet bring health complications, but never no one diet bring cure for Diabetes type 2. I do not know about dieting for other medical problems. I do know well too well how dieting danger for diabetics type 2. I am diabetic type 2.
       One point about diabetics type 2 is that there is no one test which will show when diabetic is type 1, type 2, LADA, MODY, or any other types of diabetes. The test, any test, show only that patient is Diabetic. Still, there are no one test which will show the type of diabetes.  Long time ago Dr. Joslin determined Insulin Resistant type of diabetes when dose of insulin to keep diabetic patient out of coma and death was higher then 200 units. Now Insulin Resistance presented as type of diabetes when insulin is out of needs for diabetic patient. Diabetes is number 7 cause of death in America.
      Another very odd part of treatment for diabetics type 2 is that we can be cured with Starvation diet. The question is, for how long diabetic can survive on Starvation diet? As long as history show, there is no one way to survive on Starvation diet. Eventually every one will die.
      In contrary with Starvation Insulin Therapy, the treatment with Insulin added in injections, not only prolong diabetic's life but lead to Cure of Diabetes type 2. Prove? Just try to take off definition that Diabetes is abnormally elevated level of sugar in blood and replace it with definition that Diabetes is limited insulin secretion, and all will stand on own place, logical and clear.
 Your fat cells make a hormone called leptin. It tells your brain when you have enough fat stored up. As you lose weight, less fat means less leptin. That makes you hungry. Plus, your body slows things down to save energy. So once you quit the diet, you have an oversized appetite but you burn fewer calories. That’s partly why after several cycles of yo-yo diets, you might weigh more than when you started.
OK, we can say that we can curb appetite and so we would eat less and there would not problem with weight. Unfortunately, it does not work in this way. Remember pregnant women? Regardless how less food available for them, they get weight gain. In any time, in any place, pregnant women gain weight. If there is not food available for them embryo die, so does woman.
     What I try to say that at any time we try to fool our body, we have strike back, and we loose. Then more we abuse ourselves with restrictions, less rest and more work outs, less meal and more activities, then deeper we skip into health complications.
Just a few extra pounds can set off huge changes in your body. You get more inflammation, which normally helps you fight disease. And it can harm your heart and make you more resistant to insulin. Genes that can lead to an enlarged heart get switched on, too. Lose the weight, and you mostly erase these changes. But you don’t totally reset, and the long-term health effects are unclear.
WOW! I do not think I can say anything more then that. WebMed said it all.
     Still, it is not my point to relay on authority to support any my statement. What I do suggest, to take a look at own life. Did you try to lose weight? I did. In past I just keep my diet healthy, and my appetite  reasonable. I was perfectly fit. Then weight started to rain on my body. I tried to keep it off. I went to Fitness club, worked out hard, and .... weight just got up and up. It took time to realize,  I am going in wrong direction. So, I simple stopped to fight with myself, and I accepted that I am who I am, so be so. Simple.
     Now in stead to fight pounds I keep all my attention to fight for my life. I try to survive with diabetes type 2.  I stopped to take all trash medicine such as Metformin and SU, Glipizide. I try really very hard to find how to improve my own insulin secretion with injections of Insulin. This is very difficult to do because of all education publications for diabetics type 2 based on the idea that we have to reduce weight, take diets, and Metformin as number one doctor's choice. Also to fight pounds I have to take Diuretics, water pills. From my observations, water pills lead to increase of sugar in my blood and .... weight gain. No one can believe in that. Diuretics lead to weight loss. So, why I pretend that I gain weight? I do not pretend. The time when I lost weight with diuretics in past. I used to lose weight in past. Now it is another time, and I gain weight with diuretics.
      I am very happy to find the publication like that. I hope there are some changes on the way. Maybe, just maybe, one day all that madness with diets and diuretics and Invocana and weight loss as treatment for diabetes type 2 would be over, Insulin would be first line in diabetes treatment. Diabetes type 2 would be history. The same as Consumption, the diagnose of TB in past.

via Ravenvoron

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