
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Blood Sugar as Vital. November 24, 2016

      Very interesting moment. It is presented that something what would be hold in hands, would diagnose diabetes easy, comfortable, and right in the medical office. Really, what is this about? In present time millions of diabetics in America live with high blood sugar level and never diagnosed with diabetes. In no one clinic medical care providers still capable to confirm diabetes diagnose. And what? They pretend that they so care to help us, diabetics type 2, be pain-free, that even diagnose of diabetes would be done without blood test. Just take a breath, and diabetes diagnosed. So simple. Why today millions of diabetic not diagnosed with diabetes and do not have treatment for potentially fatal medical condition when it is left untreated?
     A hand-held 'breathalyzer'  how it suppose to diagnose diabetes? Really it does not matter. The fact is, it would be just particular moment of medical condition. There is no one way to diagnose diabetes how it is progressed or how it will go into progression. So, if right now I injected 100 units of insulin, what to expect how diagnose of diabetes I do have would be confirmed? I would not have so high blood sugar readings. In my breath as I suspect there would not be smell of fruit. So, I do not have diabetes? But my A1c = 7.9%. My C Peptides level is 1.8 ng/dl. My fasting sugar run over 250 mg/dl. So, am I diabetic or not? With 300 units of insulin daily dose, am I diabetic or not?
      They pretend that one day diagnose of diabetes would be easy, right in the office diabetic can be diagnosed with diabetes. Why today diagnose of diabetes still not done ether in medical clinic nether in hospitals, or ER? Any diagnostic based on to compare healthy value with real time value of data. So, regardless it is breath or level of sugar in finger tips, or plasma level of sugar, still the difference between healthy non-diabetic and diabetic would be detected. It is OK to diagnose diabetes with different tools of diagnostic. Still, in present time diabetes still under diagnosed. Even more then that. Diabetes diagnosed as 'types' and Hell do know what is this, types of diabetes?
      Types of diabetes let medical providers to avoid real treatment and replace it with barking therapy. Diabetes type 2, how one can see if treatment doctor Rx works or not? Really, what is this about? In all medical publications and presentations it was told that diabetes type 2 progressive. Now say me, does anyone see how progression of diabetes was detected, or diagnosed? Was progression to the fatal level of sugar was slow down? Was it speed up with treatment doctor Rx? No one publications about it. Diabetics type 1 do have time when they no longer take insulin injections. The time have name: 'honeymoon phase'. Diabetics type 2 do not have time like this. We are in constant progress to the final spot in line to grave. Why this is so? Is this really our lifestyle? Or it is difference in treatment we do have?
     I took Metformin and Glipizide almost ten years before I started to take insulin. Now I take insulin only. No Metformin. What is different? My cholesterol just great. It all the time was very high, even I took 80 mg Lipitor daily dose. I still need Excedrin, but I take usually less then 4 tablets daily dose. I do not need any painkillers. I still have headaches. I try to deal with them  by adding Excedrin 2 by 2 and usually in present time it is Nitrostat. My heart do not work properly. Regardless how many cardiologists I visited there is no diagnose that I had heart attack and what is wrong with my heart. Usually I do have only one type of therapy, barking therapy that I have to lose weight. So, I no longer go to cardiologists. Do not see reason to force my heart to work harder.
       Blood sugar as vital will heal diabetics early, so they will have less complications and next generation would be healthier then previous one. The cure for diabetes type 2. In present time diabetes type 2 progress to diabetes type 1, higher level of sugar, and not avoidable painful death.

Toward a hand-held 'breathalyzer' for diagnosing diabetes

Date: November 9, 2016
Source: American Chemical Society
For several years, scientists have been working toward "breathalyzers" that can diagnose various diseases without painful pinpricks, needles or other unpleasant methods. Now, one team has developed a new, portable breath analyzer that could someday help doctors diagnose diabetes noninvasively in the office.

via Ravenvoron

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