
Thursday, 23 February 2017

Diagnose of Diabetes by E. Joslin, 1952. February 23, 2017

This is one of my books I read right now. I ordered many of them on Amazon. My goual is to find where and how diabetes type 2 diagnose took it roots.
       There are four parts of Diabetes Treatment in history of Medicine.
pre - insulin era
insulin discovery and treatment with insulin;
mixed diabetes treatment with insulin and without insulin;
 no - insulin treatment of diabetes.
Of cause it is just my first draft, and it is just first development of idea. I work on it right now. Still, it is very obvious that treatment of diabetes and diagnose of diabetes divided ob stages, the same way as diabetes development. I am not going to give reference to the books I read. I will just say the author who said what I do repay on. It is in no one way dissertation, it is just blog, so it is personal like diary.
      Post modern diagnoses of diabetes by E. Joslin, 1952, p 184
A level of sugar in blood over 200 mg/dl;
A urine tested for sugar and acetone;
A ratio of beta  to alpha cells less than 3.
     This is the diagnose of diabetes in autopsy. It is already too late for treatment. Still, it is very important to understand, diagnose of diabetes based on what and how it is developed over the time. At first, do all those murks must come together at the same time to be diagnosed with diabetes? As do I know it is probably blood sugar 200 mg/dl will not show up sugar in urine, and probably there is no acetone. If so then how diagnose of diabetes would be confirmed, or not if there are some marks present but not all of them?
Second question is, a ratio of beta cells to alpha sells. ADA never recommended to take this ratio to diagnose diabetes. At least I did not read about it.
Lastly, what is the cause of death? Diabetes with these mark did cause of death, or it did not? If diabetes caused death then what marks it were? The reason for all those question is that with all millions of pager published by very highly recognized diabetes treatment minds it still unclear why diabetics die? That's right, why do we die? What lead diabetic to Death? High blood sugar level? What is the number, how high this number? The sugar in urine? How sugar in urine and sugar in blood connected one to another, and do they high at the same time or not? Acetone, how high sugar in blood when acetone started to surface?
       It is easy to see that the True is hidden. 200 mg/dl sugar in blood can be reason to diagnose diabetes, still, it is not the cause of death. So, if diagnose of diabetes taken in autopsy then it is just reasonable to show the level of sugar and other marks  at the time death accrued. It is very reasonable to pay attention when death caused by diabetes what marks were present to diagnose the death?
      Regardless how many recommendations ADA present to address to diet and work outs, it is no one recommendation how to deal with high blood sugar numbers, so high that those numbers can be fatal for human being. Not at all. The level of sugar 200 mg/dl is the level of sugar which is sufficient to diabetes type 2 diagnose. What about 599 mg/dl? How this number can be presented in diabetes development?

via Ravenvoron

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