
Monday, 20 February 2017

Readings from "A Diabetes Manual for the Mutual use of doctor and patient" by Elliot Joslin. 1941.

"Death from diabetes, pure and simple, is needless, if the patient follow the rules of treatment, and most of the complications of diabetes are avoidable if patient will take the necessary precautions." (A Diabetes Manual for the Mutual use of doctor and patient by Elliot Joslin. 1941.)
Now the question is, why in present time almost 100 years after insulin discovery Diabetes still on the top of all cause of Deaths? Just why? Where is the answer to this question? There are many questions our medical care providers wish we ask, but what about this so simple and so logical question, why do we die withing ten years after being diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and treatment with oral medications started?
(A Diabetes Manual for the Mutual use of doctor and patient by Elliot Joslin. 1941.)
            1928                           1933                           1938                             1940
Age: 11.7                    age: 16.7                    age: 20.7                      age 23.7
diabetes years: 3         diabetes years: 8        diabetes years: 12        diabetes years: 15.0
Insulin units: 40         insulin units 48          insulin units 44             insulin 12 + up to (30)
 Boy graduated from school, from college, and took own responsibilities.
       This is typical case of diabetic type 1. Most of them took under 50 units if insulin at the time when they were diagnosed as children, and then when childhood passed the dose of insulin decreased dramatically.
      Now there is another question, why it is presented that adult at age of 50 who takes 12 units of insulin daily, insulin-dependent, and if one dose of insulin skipped adult probably cannot survive? It does not have any logic under this statement.
      On another hand, if diabetic type 2 takes 300 units of insulin and cannot afford to pay for this treatment so insulin is out of diabetics routine, then because of diabetic type 2 is insulin independent according to diagnose, there would be nothing happen with diabetic, it is not life threatening situation, why?
         Why this adult as Diabetic type 1? He or she is no longer child. It is better to say that there are  types of diabetes such as  childhood diabetes, adulthood diabetes, advantaged age of diabetes, diabetes during the pregnancy, diabetes related to the medical condition such as cancer or any other organ transplants. What make all these types of diabetes different? Nothing. Diabetes is the medical condition when insulin secretion by pancreas does not cover needs of body system to meet demands in insulin. When this definition taken into consideration then it is treatment must be developed to address to the diabetic's needs.
          It is obvious that child, new born baby cannot be treated with calorie counting. At the same time lady at age 92 really will have big deal to work out in fitness club. The same as pregnant woman cannot do gymnastic, and man doing contraction work even if one is obese diabetic type 2, cannot function on starvation diet.
      This is the biggest problem. we all put in the same box, and we all have to function in this box. We fail. We die.

via Ravenvoron

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