
Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Diabetes type 2 or Metabolic Syndrome? March 7, 2017

A rise in caloric consumption combined with a decrease in physical activity has contributed to a boom of metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.
Metabolic syndrome: Toxicology's next patient    Date: March 6, 2017
Diabetes, ether type of it back to 1937 was presented by medical society as Metabolic Disorder. This was already after insulin discovery by Dr. Banting. I do not say, Dr. Best. He was not doctor at that time, just a student who passed his first year in medical school. Then, according to medical society he educated Dr. Banting how to do research.   To see what is true and where is fake is easy to ask question: Would Dr. Banting discovery insulin if there were no Charlie as his assistant? Would Charlie discovery insulin without Dr. Banting? Dr. Banting would do the job with any assistant, just any boy who help him to hold the dog, and care for dogs. Charlie would not be insulin co-discover if Dr. Banting did not share his Noble Price with him. This is reality.
       Now, diabetes as Metabolic disorder, how accurate this definition is? With Dr. Banting discovery it is well known that diabetes caused by insufficient or absent insulin secretion.  If insulin added to the blood in injection then symptom of diabetes, high blood sugar or sugar in urine, go away.

Metabolic pathways

In 1908 British physician Sir Archibald Garrod postulated that four inherited conditions of lifelong duration—alkaptonuria, pentosuria, albinism, and cystinuria—were caused by defects in specific biochemical pathways due to the diminished activity or complete lack of a given enzyme. He called these disorders “inborn errors of metabolism.” Although Garrod was incorrect in his categorization of cystinuria, his insights provided the field of biochemical genetics with a solid foundation, and the list of inherited inborn errors of metabolism has rapidly grown. This article is primarily concerned with these inherited metabolic diseases, although other disorders, including endocrine diseases (e.g., diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism) and malnutrition (e.g., marasmus and kwashiorkor), also affect cellular metabolism.
It is not important if diabetes metabolic disorder or it is endocrine disease, if the treatment, insulin, is first line. The problem is, the treatment for diabetics is not insulin, at least for 95% of adult diabetics type 2 who must survive on Barking Therapy and Trash Medicine which lead us to the deeper dysfunction. There are many articles and books published how diabetics must eat. There is no academic studies, how to inject insulin, which type of insulin is best therapy for every one of us and why, and how to adjust dose of insulin regarding to the level of sugar on home meter. There are 95% of diabetics population diagnosed as Insulin Resistant diabetics, and ,,, insulin is not in treatment regime for this diabetic population. There are first line of treatment for every one diabetic type 2 to take work outs, and there is no insulin in our treatment regime. The result is devastated. With every year of diabetes duration our medical condition decline and we skip deeper into darkness of disability, distinction and dependence.
Our medical society present today in 2017 and before that " ...if insulin does not work ..." but back to 1937 the first facility of America who treated diabetics with insulin, Joslin Diabetes Center (it was another name at that time), published, insulin act 100% every time. Why today insulin does not do the job?  It does, but we do not use the full potential of this miracle medicine?

 Let us take closer look at what our science suggest. They suggest, it is calorie consumption why diabetics have high level of sugar in blood. If this is true then regardless of the dose of insulin I inject the level of sugar would stay in blood the same if I do eat the same amount of calories. If the level of sugar dropping with insulin injection then what is the point to insist that it is calories consumption to blame in high level of sugar in blood? Just inject right dose of insulin and the calorie consumption discussions would lost its value. Less discussions, more insulin, the problem would be solved.

It is all the time presented that it is obesity and high fat diet which blame for diabetes development. At the same time Edema is the highest complication of diabetes ether type of it. Now, how Edema diagnosed, and how Edema distant from obesity? Both are the only test to prove, weight. The water or fat, the same, number on the bathroom scale.  For every one diabetic who passed the Siphon Effect next step would be Death or Edema. If diabetic survive, diabetic will collect pounds because of kidney worked so hard to keep diabetic alive, they will take rest, and slow. Any one medical test can support this claim. There are no scientists to take a look at that tests. Our medical condition tested according to number on bathroom scale, regardless it is Edema, Water retention, very high water retention, so high that breathing can be stopped because of high swelling of the face and mouth and airways. I have no one idea how they treat it. Diuretics is not the option. They lead to heart failure or kidney failure. At this time even water cannot be taken because of there is no way to swallow water or any food or meal. Metabolic disorder or not, there is no any food consumption.

Cardiovascular diseases, mentioned as Metabolic Disorder in the article,  were linked to diabetes long before insulin was discovered. It is very simple to understand. It is high sugar, and sugar deposits into blood vessels. It is deposits under skin, in heart,  in liver. Every tissue of diabetic is sweet. This condition leads to the heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolism, and many many more. Now there is another interesting question to ask the authors of this article. Why diabetes is Metabolic Disorder rather then cardiovascular disorder and how cardiovascular disease different from diabetic metabolic disorder of vascular disease? The limit in insulin secretion leads to the poor metabolism of carbs. The deposit of unused sugar leads to the blockage of blood vessels. The question is, why in one case diabetes placed into one category of disorders, and never into another category?
  " ....These factors include obesity/abdominal adiposity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, a low-grade state of chronic inflammation, hypoxia, oxidative stress, fasting hyperglycemia, high blood pressure (hypertension), endothelial dysfunction, a hypercoagulable state, genetics, and more....."
 All the complications diabetes type 2 carry, all placed to blame victim that diabetic consume too many calories in diet. Even insulin resistance. But insulin resistance is the medical condition when the dose of insulin needed to function is higher then usual. This is why in normal condition people are not diabetic, have normal level of sugar in blood and functional. When situation is different, people can get into disease. Some got flu, other got diabetes, and some just do not survive. For instance, in case of flu diabetic type 2 will need higher then usual dose of insulin injection. Even Winter, the season, will increase dose of insulin needed to compensate the imbalance between insulin secretion and level of insulin in demand. Sunshine or rain, diabetic react differently, and the dose of insulin in injection changes regarding the weather. Stress, or any illness, or bad mood, or any dysfunction in family or in diabetic's body, all effect the insulin secretion, and it effect harder then any changes in calorie consumption.

In contrary with fact, the victim blames in the crime he or she never committed. Our bodies systems dysfunctional long before we collected pounds.  This is why it is important to make blood sugar test Vital. It is not expensive. Just cost of glucose strip. But in this case every one who has elevated level of sugar in blood would be detected and treated regarding the duration of this condition. No one need to be stamped with dysfunction which keep us away from our dream jobs and professions. There are no one human being who will ever insists, one never will be ill. Diabetes the same as flu, come in- go out with proper treatment, insulin in present time.

My another point why do not give small dose of insulin to every new born baby? Not short acting, but long acting baby insulin. Baby go through very stressful condition of being born.  Insulin as many other vaccine would prevent diabetes development, and in future probably there no need in so mach arithmetic that no one diabetic can afford to do. Just think about, diabetic must count every calorie one consumed, every carb, every fat or protein, every calorie born during the day, every bite one took, connect these counting with work outs, home cleaning, walking, working, and so so so on.... , and finally count every dose of insulin to inject, every unit of insulin to cover every bite diabetic took, and every step diabetic took, and connect this dose in injection with the dose injected before, and dose injected Yesterday, and .... . If someone capable to do so, it is fine. Personally I do not do it, and not capable to count so much. Only think about put high stress on my mind.
Accordingly, metabolic syndrome is diagnosed based on the presence of any three of five criteria:
• Increased waist circumference (as a measure of abdominal obesity that is specific to populations and ethnic groups);
• Triglycerides levels at 150mg/dl or higher;
• HDL-c levels at 40 mg/dL or lower in men and 50 mg/dL or lower in women;
• Blood pressure at 130/85 or higher; and
• Fasting plasma glucose (glycemia) at 100mg/dL or higher.
Diagnosed with these criteria, metabolic syndrome confers a five-fold increased risk for type 2 diabetes and a three-fold increased risk for cardiovascular disease, including an up to four-fold increased risk for stroke or heart failure.
I do understand it is Metabolic Syndrome, if one wish. What I do not understand, how this condition can lead to diabetes type 2 if it is already in diagnose, blood sugar is higher then 100 mg/dl. It is already diabetes type 2 how it is diagnosed, so what are difference between Metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2? Untreated diabetics do have high blood pressure, complication of diabetes, and TG because of sugar deposits in heart. Diabetic can lead to heart attack and stroke, still, it does not mean that diabetes is Metabolic syndrome.

Why really this definition is given? Do not say, you are scientists. You are not.

via Ravenvoron

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