
Friday, 14 April 2017

Medical Studies. Are they Medical? April 14, 2017

If someone ever paid attention to the medical studies, what usually we can see how studies conducted?
Male vs female;
age: children , teens, adult, old population;
income: low, middle class, blue collar work; wight collar work;
urban vs country side;
color or skin: black, green purple;
body shape, obesity, lean, fit;
and so on and on and on.
Now the question is, why these all studies go under name of being "medical'? It is no medical studies. All of them are social studies, demographic studies, but in no one way any one of these data are medical data.
      So, it is obvious that no one of those studies can improve medical outcome of human population. Just take a look at, what is difference if one is male or woman? Or if this person high educated of have block color of skin? In any way, what makes it different if obese women dealing better with diabetes then green fit  men? How really it is important what is better and what is worse? How this analyze help to improve treatment of any medical condition?
      Really, when there are studies conducted, what result expected and what is the reason for any of those studies? Money.  So, it is absurd.  easy to collect data how many man have diabetes type 2, what is distance from the ground to the sky every one man do have? How wide man spread from one meridian to another? To check up if man fit into human standard of population  there are studies must be conducted how distance of man from ground fit into the size of cave man come out mullion years ago. Absurd. Really? But to diagnose diabetes, the medical condition of degeneration of human pancreas, it is taken how wide middle area and divided it on the how long human from head to toe, BMI. No one see it as absurd, and our medical care high pro seriously discuss what type  metabolites they are. It is not disgusting. It is on high top of medical conversations, in medical on-line publications.
       How treatment for diabetes what discovered in first place? It started with autopsy. It was discovered that diabetic's pancreas is different then one in non-diabetic. It is not about man or education of diabetic. It is about how far degeneration of beta cells advanced. This was why Dr, Banting started to check up diabetic's dog pancreas, and then purified extract form dog's pancreas. After isletin, the mane of purified substance he discovered, now it is re-named as 'insulin', was purified, it was injected into dog, and dog come back to life from coma. Dog could live on insulin injections.
       Hundred years passed. No one any longer look at the cure for diabetes. The cure is already discovered. But it is also discovered that diabetes is very very profitable for medical and political  practice. So, human population divided on types, type 1 diabetic who treated with insulin and allowed to live and be well, and type 2 population, all the time available for many tests, and carry on millions and billions, into medical industry and political accounts. With every one out of ten American being diabetic it is huge sum. So the wheel of Fortune run aver and over. One generation of joslins replace another generation, and all of them can be well and sound. ADA and WHO seeking the cure for diabetes, and more and more diabetics developed obesity and high blood sugar as a result of wrongly treated medical condition. We develop diabetes faster then if we do not have any treatment.
             Just say me, what does it mean, diabetics type 2 die within ten years after being diagnosed with diabetes type 2? Just simple, what does it mean? It mean that if I was not diagnosed with diabetes type 2 before my 50th I lived 50 years. But after being diagnosed with diabetes in 2001 before 2010 I got my MI, and Strokes.  Happily for me I stopped to take all Junk Medicine doctor Rx to me, and started to take Insulin. Today I live of 300 units of insulin injections every day. Any termination in insulin supply will bring gangrene, amputation, and finally stroke or heart attack. Of cause if something else did not kill me first.
       It is so simple. Without medicine and diagnose of diabetes type 2 I could live longer. Now with SU and Metformin all my beta cells killed, degenerated. I could live with sugar over 300 mg/dl, still I would not have over 599 mg/dl, practically fatal level of sugar in blood. It is not what I try to say that 599 mg/dl is fatal. But the point is, after 599 mg/dl my meter say only:High, and there is no way for me to know how high is high.
       At the same time millions spent to find out who die first, man or woman? black or green? wide or long? round or oval? in green jacket or in long dress? with brown eyes or red nails? who eat fat or drink OJ? who go to vacation on Honolulu or who do not have vacation at all? ...... or ....... ?

via Ravenvoron

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