
Thursday, 30 November 2017

what eat in the morning? November 30, 2017

Regularly eating breakfast affects our body fat cells by decreasing the activity of genes involved in fat metabolism and increasing how much sugar they take up, according to new research. This may lower diabetes and cardiovascular risk.
      I am ESL. English is my second language.  So, simple say me, do I need to take meat at morning, or I have yo skip it? If so then when I have to take it? If I take it after 12 pm would in morning or it is already dinner even if it is first meal at day? Usually I do not sleep night because of severe pain in watered legs and I use to wrap them very tight. So, when it is morning meal, when it is 6 am or it is first meal at day?
      Usually it is very impress me with every  research  findings. How they are found what they pretend it is true? Say me, how they found that cells increase/decrease activity after breakfast and increase how mush sugar cells take up? I just wish to see, how they found it? What if after eating breakfast beta cells activity is higher and so insulin secretion is higher  and so the level of sugar lower? This is the same study, just speculations, just another turn head into tail and vase versa.
The team in Bath and Nottingham also found that fat in obese people responds less to insulin, which regulates blood sugar, than lean people do. Importantly, this decrease is proportional to the person's total amount of body fat.
     Great finding! What if the abnormality in cells, in pancreas, leads to abnormalities in beta cells, such as developing fibrosis, so beta cells cannot function properly. As a result insulin secretion is limited, and eventually decreases down to "0"  which leads to Death of diabetic? Or it is hydration of cells and Beta sells cannot secret insulin, simple drown under high water secretion? Did researcgers looked at this direction? Or they simple do know nothing about diabetes but very well educated in making money?
       Fat in diabetics type 2 is not lead to diabetes type 2. It is result of limited secretion in insulin. If there is no insulin diabetic is hungry, but meal we eat cannot be used as energy, or make cells feel full. Cells still hungry. There are fat develops. We cannot mover, be active, but more and more fat deposited around middle aria. When diabetic type 2 try to avoid eating, diabetic can skip into coma, die. No any studies in this direction. Say me, why diabetics die? Why people who are overweight can be non diabetics, and live. Diabetics type 2 die. Why it is so? What leads diabetics type 2 to Death?
      There can be a lot of speculations, but the reason only one. Take reading sugar in blood. Take these readings in diabetic type 2. What are they? Sorry guys,  it is not 129 mg/dl. As I posted before lady with 700 mg/dl was in clinic, and .... yes, she was injected with insulin and sent home. She did not make it. Good she returned back to clinic. She was with her aid. If there were no aid MD could be out of service. Why person with 700 mg/dl was not sent to hospital but sent home? It is far away from that scam D1T post how they are suffering. They were diagnosed with type 1 at age of 6 with sugar 400 mg/dl. I was not diagnosed as type 1 with sugar 599 mg/dl. Why it was 599 mg/dl? Because of it is limit for home glucose meter. How high really sugar was there is no clue. I was discharged from hospital with sugar 400 mg/dl in blood, and 1000 mg/dl in urine. No insulin. No any treatment for me.
     I am type 2 diabetic, not type 1. To control blood sugar I need more then 200 units of insulin daily dose. I usually take 300 units. At time when I am sick I take up to 500 units. So, there is no ER service for me. Our MD simple discharge us and usually too busy to come to check up how treatment they Rx work or not. Usually it does not work.
Before and after the six weeks, the researchers measured metabolism (how did they do measured it?) , body composition (OK, it is possible to diagnose. Just measurement as we use for quilting), appetite responses (WOW! What they do mean ?) and markers of metabolic (?????) and cardiovascular health (sorry guys all D2T have poor working heart and high tombing blood). They also measured participants' fat for the activity of 44 different genes and key proteins, and studied the ability of the fat cells to take up glucose in response to insulin. I am lost. How they do it?)
      WOW!" the researchers measured metabolism" how? Really, how they did so? How much output in toilet was dropped? Sorry! I am diabetic type 2 with poor carbs metabolism. How anyone MD diagnosed this poor metabolism? Usually it is only sugar in blood, and never any output. So, why it is said all the time I do have poor metabolism? Really I do not.
   I posted many times, I do run my studies. It is nothing too complicated. Just sugar readings, insulin dose, and something else. Yesterday my man and I cooked. Usually it is long day when we do so. I got very tied. He finished job. I left to take my routine. Suddenly I was not simple hungry, but I started to eat candy, one after another, and I could not stop. One after another, and so so on. I do not eat to much sweet. Not because of diabetes but because of I cannot eat sweet candy. Even apples must be not sweet. Even berries too sweet for me. Now I eat sweet, very sweet candy, and canot stop. Then I went to bed.
      86 mg/dl fasting sugar today.
     It is even more significant that dose of insulin Yesterday was less then 300 units.
     Today I do not eat candy. All back to normal.
Javier Gonzalez, lead author of the study said, 'by better understanding how fat responds to what and when we eat, we can more precisely target those mechanisms. We may be able to uncover new ways to prevent the negative consequences of having a large amount of body fat, even if we cannot get rid of it.'
     Stop to blame me I am diabetic type 2. Give me insulin I need and stop to Rx stupid Healthy Life Style. I cannot live healthy. I am ill. I am diabetic type 2. I am insulin resistant type of diabetic which means I need more then 200 units of insulin daily dose. In addition to this medicine I need much more. My blood in clotting. Clots stop in lungs and heart, in brain and in legs. Edema. Very severe edema. This edema cannot be treated with diuretic pills. Our researchers never studied what to do with edema. They are easy to see that body shape is fat. They are not able to see edema. It is so obvious. It is on our faces and legs. Our foot are puffy. It is not fat. It is water deposit. Our lungs are 'singing' like I am operatic soprano. It is water between cells. We hardly able to walk on our watered wounded legs, short of breath right after first move. What MD said about us? Too fatty. Wrong life style.
     Many, very many people post that in 1980th there were not so many obese people as today. Right. We all were in graves right before we started to collect pounds. Today we alive. Fatty. Obese. Alive. Ten years ago I did not see so many old disable people in Lincoln Center, in Metropolitan Opera or NY Phill. Today there are scooters one next to another. House is not ready to store our scooters. There is no place for them. There is not in every house where acceptable restrooms. In soon future there would be line in acceptable restrooms. More and more of us come to concerts on scooters. We live longer. Obese or  lean, it does not matter. I am alive, and this is all what count.

via Ravenvoron

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