Patients with diabetes, determined by higher than normal hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, show greater increases in cognitive decline over 10 years compared to those with normal blood sugar, suggesting that good blood glucose control could help slow possible progression to dementia.This is very progressive study and very advanced conclusion. I hope author will get Noble Price. At list no one ever did know before that to be healthy is better then to be diabetic. Congrads!!!!!
When I read studies like this one I all the time wander, what our Medical Pro have in stead of heart? To study fatally ill people who can be easily helped, and lead us right to the grave with so sad faces and pity. Just read the story, the studies and the conclusion they provide.
The association between diabetes and dementia is well known, however evidence of the link between diabetes, the role of HbA1c, and cognitive decline — which can occur years prior to dementia — is lacking.So, years after years they conducted studies how HbA1c increased, and finally diabetes ready to kill. 10 they studies victims. 10 years they treated victim with Metformin and life style modifications. And 10 years they saw, A1c going up and up. Why? Of cause it is victim who does not eat right and lazy! But why do not take to the treatment, to the Metformin? It is so simple to do.
Metformin as #1 MD choice all 10 years in study. So. I suggest to stop Metformin and take a look at how blood sugar numbers go up or down. It is really very very simple. If I take insulin, Yesterday it was 534 units. Day before it was only 240 units. I skipped two shots. What was the next? Next day fasting sugar was 209 mg/dl. Usually it is about 50 mg/dl. It is clear that if I skip another day sugar will go up and up. So, next day I put on 534 units into my belly. To compensate limit of previous day.
Now about Metformin. Stop to take Metformin, one day, another day, and see how numbers on glucose meter go up or stay the same or really go down.Not so much brain work to do studies like this. No need to hols victim 10 year on the prison of pain and abuse. As it is obvious from publication, A1c going up and up with Metformin. So, what is the reason to take it? With insulin my A1c dropped from 9.4% down to 7.2% My cognitive health stay not impacted for the last 10 years. But I do not take Metformin. Nether do I practice life style modifications. I live as I wish to live.
Compared with individual fasting or post-load blood glucose measurements, HbA1c has gained ground in the diagnosis and management of diabetes, showing greater reliability in predicting diabetes and indicating average circulating glucose levels over the prior 2 to 3 months, the authors say.As I just posted, does not matter how blood sugar measured the result would be the same. If treatment work, the result would be right on the meter screen. If treatment does not work then regardless what taken as control, A1c or fasting sugar, the number on meter would be up. For that reason I take one hour readings sometimes. One day I take readings every one or two hours. I cannot take A1c, it is lab test. But meter is in my hands, and with it I can take control how treatment going, better or opposite.
Participants were a mean age of 66 years, and 55% were women. Baseline HbA1c ranged from 3.6% to 13.7% (15.9 to 126.3 mmol/mol). Diabetes was defined as HbA1c 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) or greater.This part I did not understand very well. 3.6% is really constantly low blood sugar. 13.7% is very high blood sugar. With 9.4% I was not able to rise my hands. Was not able to walk. They studies victims 10 years. 10 years sugar got up from 6.5% to 13.7% and they did just studied victim, no any treatment beside barking therapy and Metformin? If they treated diabetic with right insulin then no way A1c would rise up to 13.7%.
really, i am not going to be part of any studies! Never!
"As there is currently no cure for dementia...our findings suggest that interventions that delay diabetes onset, as well as management strategies for glucose control, might help to alleviate the progression of subsequent cognitive decline over the long term," Dr Zheng and colleagues note.There are no cure for diabetes type 2. Why? There is no diabetes type 2. There is another stage of diabetes when diabetes pass acute stage and became chronicle condition. The treatment of any type of diabetes is the same, insulin, and insulin in injections only. I do not pretend that insulin would solve all the problems diabetic face. Still, early treatment with insulin is what any diabetic, regardless of type of diabetes, need as soon as diagnose established. Insulin, not Metformin or life style abuse.
"Future studies are required to determine the effects of maintaining optimal glucose control on the rate of cognitive decline in people with diabetes," they conclude.Finally, please what does it mean? What is 'optimal glucose control'? What is 'rate of cognitive decline'? If I am diabetic then Rx treatment for diabetes. To not mess around. Do not treat diabetics according to Medicine of Art.
Diabetes is not 'when' sugar is higher then normal. Diabetes is limit in insulin secretion. If so then limit in insulin secretion must be compensated by insulin in injections. Period. No other way around. Diabetics type 2 must be treated with insulin in stead of being bulled with Barking Therapy and slow killed with Junk Medicine such as Metformin and Invokana.
via Ravenvoron
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