
Thursday, 1 February 2018

Stand Up for Afordable Insulin! Donate to ADA!. February 1, 2018

ADA : A little over a year ago, we launched an initiative to help make insulin affordable. Since then, more than 273,370 people have signed on to this important campaign.
Now, what is for me if I sing up this petition? Nothing. I am diabetic type 2, insulin independent type of diabetes. To still alive now I take from 400 to 500 units of insulin daily. If I skipped only one dose  then sugar go over 300 mg/dl and it is only one skipped dose. One shot is 240 units right now.Needless to say, I cannot afford to pay for insulin I need. It is over $2 000 monthly. Every year over $30,000 Health plan pays for only medicine, insulin and oral medicine. I am diabetic type 2. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back to 2002. Now it is 15 years being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and being alive. I am Good!
    So, the question is, what for me? I do have Health Plan which pay for insulin, regardless how high dose of insulin is. The problem is, how to get Rx to insulin? What doctor is so brave to Rx insulin to diabetic type 2?
    Let us take a look at the recently published Standards Medical care for People with Diabetes. If one is diabetic type 2, diagnosed by the same way as diabetes type 2, but for no one reason stamped with type 2, then first line treatment is Life style Modification and Metformin. After this treatment failed to reduce glucose level add-on medicine would be added. Which one? This is up to MD and his or her practice in Art of Medicine. Add on is not insulin. It can be injected, but still, it is not insulin. One after another studies conducted which add-on is better to add. Still, diabetes type 2 progressive. In Death Row Diabetes stand on number 7 spot. Over 70,000 people die every year as a result of high blood sugar level, 100% preventable deaths.
     So, the question still stand: What is for me if I sing up the petition? Nothing.
How long will we continue fighting for insulin affordability?
  • Until no person is forced to choose between insulin and groceries or a utility bill.
  • Until no parent wakes up worrying if they can afford the insulin their child needs that day—and every day that follows.
  • Until no grandparent worries about losing a limb because they had to ration insulin.
      So dramatically sound! But what behind this drama? When really I will have insulin and do not worry that next delivery would not be canceled due to my diagnose, diabetes type 2? When we pretend that affordness of insulin is very important then let us take a look, how much diabetes cost to society and people with diabetes? We pay by our mobility and lives. Society pay to amputations, home care, mobile device, and you name the rest. This is the price we pay for affordable, low cost medicine such as Metformin. Metformin cost just $4 month supply. It is less then water we need to drink. The rest of payment on us, people with diabetes and society.
      Right now cost of insulin for me is very very expensive. But I am still alive. I even have both legs and I can stand on them. If insulin come at the time of diagnose I would be able to work, get my health plan, get my pension, and so so on. Now I do have nothing. all what I do have paid by my man and by company he works right now at age of 67. I do have no SSI, no disability, no Medicaid. I do not belong to low income family. If my man lost his job then there would be no insulin for me. I already was in this situation. 300 units of insulin was dropped at once. No insulin. Now after insulin supply was restored the dose of it went up and up.
     Just so brilliant play by ADA! It is not they are, med pro, who induce Death penalty for millions of us, people with diabetes type 2. It is someone else, and they try so hard to find out who is it? Who makes insulin so expensive? Still, regardless if how affordable insulin is, it is ADA responsibility. It is they are who publish recommendations to Rx life style modifications for people with diabetes type 2. Do not think, it is people with 120 mg/dl in blood. I was diagnosed with 370 mg/dl fasting. With 9.2 I still Rx life style modifications and metformin as first line of therapy, why? Because I was in this clinic first time. So, the treatment for me is "first line". As stupid as all recommendations by ADA. For those who has no one idea what does it mean to have A1c 9.2% I will say, try to brash your heir. I cannot do it even now. I cannot rise my hands.
    Thanks ADA for Standards Medical Care for people with Diabetes type 2. No Any Donations To ADA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

via Ravenvoron

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