
Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Diabetes Type 2 Myths and Facts. Part 2. May 9, 2018

      Now, there is definition that diabetic type 2 body system does not use insulin properly. This condition leads to a few possible outcomes.
      At first, if insulin does not used properly, it means that insulin left in blood and do not open cell to use glucose as source of fuel. Without glucose body system cannot function, ether properly nether in-properly. If glucose cannot be used people die. The same was as people die if there is no glucose available to be used. And the same condition when blood sugar is high but there is no insulin which pancreas secreted, so people die. Properly or not, if glucose stay in blood and cannot enter into cell there is no one way human body can survive. We cannot live without glucose. Glucose used to push blood from heart, to push air, and for every cell to live and function. For some time our body can use fat as source of energy. Brain uses only glucose. This is why people skip into coma when sugar is too high or too low, the same outcome.
      If insulin stay in blood but for some unknown reason does not used properly then there are must be some complications developed which are different from those diabetics who are not type 2 diabetics. The fact is, the complications of diabetes the same, as any type of diabetes. Then higher level of sugar in blood then faster diabetic progress to the final stage of life. What is important and the same as for any type of diabetes, if Insulin injected on-time and in right regime, diabetic will survive, regardless of any type diagnosed by Med. Pro.
    So, what is the reason to talk about all that types of diabetes if:
diagnose the same;
treatment the same;
 outcome the same;
so the medical condition is the same, Just Diabetes, Problem with insulin secretion.
      Diabetes is not the elevated level of sugar in blood. Sugar elevated as a result of deficit in insulin. Add Insulin in injections, and sugar dropping to the normal level. In contrary, if treatment of diabetes with SU then with time diabetic's pancreas lost ability to recovery, and less then 10 years diabetic will lost life. Any diabetic, any type of diabetes. With Insulin in injections every diabetic live. any type of diabetes can be supported with Insulin injections, and prolong diabetic's life, old, or not so old. fat or obese, or fit and slim.

       Second what I wish to say, take a look at the media and medical publications. What can we read and listen? That there are plenty of diabetics type 2 who reverse diabetes type 2 with diet and work out. What we never able to listen, how many diabetics type 1 skipping dose of insulin they pretend they will die if they do. At least I never read any one post or blog that one stopped to take Insulin in injections, and now no longer consider him/herself diabetic. Only one person was published she did it, Hallie Berry. She published she won herself and now she is not diabetic type 1 but diabetic type 2.  Med. Pro confront, it is not possible. Two types of diabetes are different medical conditions, and so it is not possible to be diagnosed with one condition and became another type of diabetes. It is like being diagnosed with diabetes and then it turned to be a flu.
       I would happy to take it as it is presented, but I cannot. How many people wrongly diagnosed? No counting like that. Hallie Berry took Insulin. With Insulin in injections many people stop to take injections, someone for short time, other for long time, and someone who is very lucky, never return back to injections. These people have normal level of sugar. They do have well working pancreas, even they were diagnosed with diabetes as children and took insulin for many many years.
       There is no one diabetic type 2 who are on oral medication, who recovered. Diabetes type 2 progressive. It is fact published in Medical journals that diabetics type 2 gone less then 10 years after being diagnosed with diabetes type 2.  We can say, people posted, they reversed diabetes type 2 with proper diet and extreme workouts, say me how they do know it? If today they do have normal fasting blood sugar it is not the case tomorrow they would not have elevated level of sugar. To matter of fact, it is possible to be. Pregnant women have diabetes, and after delivery baby they no longer have elevated level of sugar in blood,why? Probably after delivery baby woman no longer have medical attention, many do not have health insurance, so they do not have diabetes.
      BTW, if some people present they reversed diabetes type 2 with diet and work out, then why it is not said, they "Cured" themselves? As usual, many play and dark waters to hide the truth, the facts.
      Finally, what I wish to say, why there are no one observation how treatment of diabetes, either type of it, go? One day after another, one patient after another, and so so on. In past there were books published, observations of cases how doctors treated diabetes and what was result of treatment. Today we even do not know how many diabetics die every year. Yes, there are number of death resulted by high or low blood sugar, diabetes. There is no one mention, if it is diabetes type 1, type 2, LADA, MODY, or any other types of it. In table we are all together, and people have pity of diabetics type 1 that they are suffering, and no one attention that it is diabetics type 2 who stand first in line. What age do we die? How long we took treatment, all that Junk medicine very aggressively pushed on market. Does someone crossed studies like these? Please, let me know.
       Every year there are thousands of amputations, and there is no one mention, who they are, those diabetics who lost limbs to diabetes? Why? Let us take a look at the numbers. If it is mostly diabetics type 2 who became amputees, then why it is not diabetics type 1? Probably, it is not diet or body fat, but treatment, Insulin Vs non Insulin. I take 610 units of insulin daily. I did not gain weight more then year ago. Why? Because of I did not have break in insulin supply, and I take dose of insulin I need every day, day after day, as many units as I need. When there is no insulin then at first there is weight gain. Then sugar is extremely high, and there is no longer diabetes hunger. Thirst. Siphon effect. We lost weight, dramatically and fast. I do not know what would be next. I got my insulin.

via Ravenvoron

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