
Sunday, 28 October 2018

What level of sugar is 'Normal'? October 28, 2018

The 'Normal' ranger of blood sugar level is from 93 mg/dl to 123 mg/dl. This is the range on my blood sugar strips identified as 'normal' range.
Blood sugar level from 33 mg/dl to 63 mg/dl identified as 'low' level of sugaar.
Blood sugar level from 239 mg/dl to 329 mg/dl identified as 'high' level of sugar.
       Now there is question: whaat to do with all that levels of sugar in blood?
What to expect in medical clinic or in ER when sugaar is in this ranger?
 How our Med Pro identify what treatment to apply when we do have these numbers of sugar in our blood?
       The mater of fact, there are no difference for Med Pro if patient has 329 mg/dl or 55 mg/dl.  In any case patient will sent home to adjust life style.
     For today post I try to take a look at the 'normal' level of sugar, and how 'normal' level of sugar is. We all do know that 'normal' temperature of body is 36.6C. What we also do know very well that if one got flu or any sort of any other medical complications, there are no ranger of body temperature as 'normal' of type 2. or any other types of temperature of body. There are two levels: 'normal' when patient is healthy, and abnormal when patent is ill. When temperature of body abnormally elevated one is assumed to be ill. The are different stages of being ill, but anyway patient start to take steps to get better. If it is flu and in the state of beginning, we do not go to ER, and we even go to work. When temperature is high we go to hospital.
      There are big difference between level of sugar in blood and temperature of the body. If I come to ER with 370 mg/dl the first question for me is, when I ate and what? Then there is time till blood sugar dropping, so .... yes, there is no need for any treatment. Sugar is not abnormally high. Most important to give Insulin, not high dose, but any dose. Sugar will drop right away. It is diabetic, not healthy person.
      When we are healthy out sugar still in 'normal' ranger regardless we recently ate or we are fasting. Sugar does not ranger very wide. No one non diabetic has sugar 140 mg/dl. regardless when and what one ate. Sugar will ranger from 70 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl. all in 'normal' range. When fasting is 128 mg/dl patient is already diabetic. No one MD identify this patient as diabetic, but easy to Rx 'healthy life style'. The question is why?
      Last 100 years there are perfect medicine to fight and cure diabetes. Why it is today 'diabetes epidemic'? There are no TB epidemic, no millions of flu victims in clinic with fatal level of body temperature. Why today people die because of Diabetes type 2? 80,000 diabetics lost lives every year due to diabetes, only in America. Why toll is so high? It is getting higher every year.
      There are billions spend every year to study diabetes and how to threat diabetics type 2. AT the same time there are still no clear cut how to diagnose diabetes type 2. Millions of diagnosed, and millions of non diagnosed diabetics type 2. How every one of us was diagnosed with medical condition we do diagnosed with?
      In my file it is said that I am diabetic type 2 with not controlled diabetes. What does it mean? When diabetes  considered to be 'controlled' and when it is not 'controlled'? The problem is, how to see if treatment diabetic type 2 does have effective or not? There are many publications how someone reversed diabetes type 2. The point is, how it was identified that there is no diabetes in former diabetic type 2? How it was diagnosed that diabetic type 2 diabetes type 2 free? There is no such diagnose, no any tools to diagnose diabetes. We use glucose meter to check up if entreat works or diabetes type 2 progressing. But this numbers on the meter are not reliable. If we do not know that one is diagnosed diabetic then one will not be diagnosed with diabetes.
      It looks like absurd. Of cause, why not? But it is not absurd to diagnose patient if one is ill or healthy  with lowest level of diagnosed range. I suggest, in stead to take fasting sugar as cut for diabetes type 2, let take starvation diet in one week,  (or two if it is possible) and see, if sugar will rise above normal range. Why not? If fasting is tool to diagnose medical condition for the level of insulin secretion then why starvation is not diagnose? Sugar will be even lower as I suppose it be.
       The problem is, we do not know this. That's right. We do not know what level of sugar after week of fasting do have healthy person, compare to diabetic type 2. These are studies which never had been  run.
      There are a lot of speculations how insulin secreted in our bodies. There are no studies how does it really secreted. All that fanny drawings that posted and published, nothing more then speculations. There are no prove. No one really every studied what insulin doing in blood, and how it is secreted. There are no studies how insulin increased in secretion after we ate. For how long sugar we took with our food transformed into glucagon or glucose or probably into something else.
      Still, every one do know how much every one of us must eat every day, day after day. When we go to fitness club our smart educators suggest to us 'to adjust' calories intake. How? Just how? No one tool how to do adjustment. But every one do know, we have to 'adjust'.

via Ravenvoron

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