
Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Why today is Diabetes Type 2 Epidemic? October 24, 2018

In just a generation, diabetes has gone from rarity to epidemic, a catastrophic turn that presents urgent question: Why are so many suffering, and so suddenly?
    The fact is that today, in spite of all loud cry out, diabetes is not so devastated as it was 100 years ago. Why today so many diabetics? Author of the book present it as modern population consume too much sugar. Another point he present that diabetes can be prevented and reversed. He suggest solution, intermittent diet.
      The book is interesting to read. It collected all scam and all 'old women' talks what is diabetes and how to refuse to be diabetic. They did it. All 'old housewives' done it. So, every one can do, refuse to be diabetic type 2, and do not pull money from taxpayers. Author even present a little bit history of diabetes, back to 250 BC.
     First point, in past diabetes effected mostly children. Why? When child die how this child would be adult? In present time it is not only diabetes type 2 epidemic. It is survival. Children no longer in such danger like it was back to 250 BC. But author ignore the fact, it is 2000, long time after 250 BC.
       In addition to the fact that children survive today, they are healthier and live longer. This why they diagnosed with diabetes as adult. To be diagnosed as adult mean to be diabetic type 2, not type 1. So, the fact that today we do have diabetic epidemic which spread fast and wide, is myth. The matter of fact, today there are many diagnosed diabetics, but longer diabetic's life. Compare with rarity of diabetes in past.
     Why diabetes was named as it is excessive urination? This mean that sugar is so high, near fatal level. Before sugar rise so high diabetes is not visible. Victim of diabetes suffer, weak, ill, but there is no diagnose of diabetes. Even it is already visible that victim has diabetes, there is no treatment so, there is not so much difference to be diagnosed or not. It is all the same.
      Another very important claim by author is, that diabetics eat too much sugar. I do not know about 250 BC how much sugar diabetics ate. What I do know that wild animals do not eat sugar. Also they are not obese. Why wild animals have diabetes? Cab can be born with diabetes. It is very rare, why? because of if cab born diabetic this baby has no chance to survive. Mother will not feed baby. So, diabetes rarely spread among wild animals.
     In contrary, in zoo animals die because of diabetes. Why? They live longer, getting older. In spite of the fact they are no longer so strong, they have staff who care for them. Domestic and animals in zoo can live with diabetes. Wild animals almost cannot.
      With all that noise that diabetes type 2 resulted by obesity and too much sugar eating, the fact is right opposite. With health care and good nutrition children became healthier adults. If today adults will be treated with right regime of insulin then tomorrow less children will be born with diabetes type 1. Less adults will develop diabetes after 30th. Diabetes will stay with us. It is part of aging process. Somehow people die, no one of us live forever. The point is, when to die, at age of 30 or at age of 90?

via Ravenvoron

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