
Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Blood Sugar level A1c in % or mg/dl. November 27, 2018

   A1c is the average level of sugar in blood withing three month. It is taken in % and diabetics do not check up this level. It is lab test which can be ordered by doctor.
    In contrary with A1c level of sugar in mg/dl taken by diabetic or in clinic. It is almost the same level when blood taken from drop of blood from finger or from vainm plasma level. There are some differences, but not so big.
     There are some table to compare A1c in % and blood sugar in mg/dl. Some diabetics or doctors use this table reversible. It is wrong. At home we do not have ability to see the average of blood sugar withing day or week or month. We do have test just for particular moment, when blood drop was taken. In contrary, level of sugar in % estimates all the levels of sugar during the day, week, month, and so on.
     So, when table said that A1c=6%  is estimated 126 mg/dl. it is not the same when we see 126 mg/dl on our metes and this mean that A1c = 6%. This is greatest mistake some people use to post on there blogs, or posts. When they take level of sugar and it is 270 mg/dl they pretend they do have A1c = 11%. Reading of 198 mg/dl is just the normal random level of sugar. In contrary A1c=11% is fatally danger and must be treated in hospital. This mean that the level of sugar is fatally high, and average blood sugar level is always too high.
A1c %   4 %          72mg/dl
              5%           90 mg/dl
             6%           108 mg/dl
             7%           126 mg/dl
            8 %           144 mg/dl
            9 %            162 mg/dl
            10%           180 mg/dl
            11%            198 mg/dl
             12%           216 mg/dl
             13%           234 mg/dl
             14%           252 mg/dl
It is easy to see from the table that A1c and mg/dl cannot be interchangeable.  One part orf table show the number of routine right now level of sugar, and another part show average level of sugar withing three month.
       Still very often people post:
    " I had A1c=12.2% and just withing 6 month my blood sugar dropped down to 100 mg/dl".  Really, why not? This person never was diabetic.  At least never was in stage of diabetes when A1c=12.2% if test taken in lab, real A1c level.
     I love doing shopping on Walmart. Why mot? The price is decent. Shipping usually free with order $35. And about quality.... well, the quality depend on product. For me it is most important, only in Walmart I can buy size 5X clothing. Recently I got parka, just $55. It is worm, it looks nice, and it is affordable. At least, I am not so upset when I have to buy another jacket next Winter.
     There are no size 5X clothing. It is easy to find good items size 2X or even 3X. Size 5X is practically out of market. I do have edema on my foot. Say me, what I suppose to put on my foot in Winter? Usually in Summer I wear water flip-flops. Regardless of weather, it is the same flip-flop for Summer to go to outdoor, to medical office or to go to opera. There are nothing I can put on on my foot. In Winter it is very difficult. Edema is getting worse. Also I have to wrap more on my gels, to keep them worm. In The Met sometimes I walk to my seat without shoe, just to be safe to walk. Ugly, but what may I do?
     Sometimes I do have problems with delivery and I send e-mail or call to customer service. Usually problem getting solved very fast. Then one or two days later there is e-mail and they ask to survey, how representative was good in service. They always good. Why? They do know very well, I will have call, or e-mail, or any type of communication, and I will say what service I got.
     I wish to ask, why there are no service like that in medical industry? No one ever asked me, how I was survey by official public representative. Or any medical staff. Why? I do not think I may answer to this question. But still I wonder.
     Barking therapy or Barking service is Gold Standard in every medical clinic or hospital. Say me, what does it mean when all staff, one after another ask me if I ate today (it is 5 pm, what do you think?) and what did I eat today. Every staff in every office. I am ill person. I do have medical problem with nerves. It took me a lot to stop to bark in response. But I curb my emotions.
    Another Gold Standard is that as diabetic type 2 I can reverse diabetes type 2 with starvation and increased activity. How absurd this is no one see. The point is not how to treat diabetic but to whom to blame. It is I whom to blame. It is I who is ill. If one has dental problem then one go to dentist. What dentist will say? Well, if It is I then it is at first dentist will bark, I have to lose weigh, to starve myself.
    Let us put it in other way. Let us blame every skeleton that one developed flu or dental problem because of weight. One must gain weight. Why not? Also I suggest to start to bark at people who is higher then 1 foot. Look at new generation. How toll they are! We are almost half of them. Really, why it is only how wide we are taken into account? Let us take into account how long one is, and blame longest for every medical condition they do have because of they cannot stop to grow longer. The Procrustes' Bed is the same for every one, long or short, wide or narrow.

via Ravenvoron

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