
Monday, 10 December 2018

What is Diabetes type 2? December 10, 2018

True or Scam?
Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar levels are high over a prolonged period (hyperglycemia). In the case of type 2 diabetes, this phenomenon which is caused by a disruption of the glucose metabolism develops progressively and insidiously. In France, the prevalence of diabetes is estimated at over 5 % of the 2015 population, with type 2 accounting for 90 % of cases. These figures do not include those who are unaware of their condition, particularly among the overweight or obese.
       This is the problem. Diabetes is not high blood sugar. Level of sugar in blood is symptom of diabetes, but not the disease.  No one define flu as elevated temperature of the body. Why? It is also symptom of many diseases. The same as elevated level of sugar is symptom of many other medical conditions. When it is cancer sugar in blood is elevated. Why? because of Diabetes is immune system disorder. Immune system is our Guardian. It fight all abnormalities in our bodies. When it is too many of them, Immune system cannot fight it effectively. Medicine is needed.
      80,000 lives lost every year to diabetes, high or low level of sugar in blood, not treated or wrongly treated diabetes. Over 200,000 lives lost every year because of immune system cannot fight medical problem. It is only in US. If not all then most lives could be saved. There is no medicine for diabetes to save lives. Why?
     There are many publications why diabetes type 2, the Hell know what is it, so prevalent in modern human population. It is presented that it is obesity of modern developed world. However we do know not all are so lucky to be full every day. Do this population suffer from obesity caused medical condition? Not at all. For this reason they would be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. There is all the time finger put on victim. We do not do or that. We are responsible that we do not die but still eating, as said professor R.Taylor.
      There are many discussions can be silent or loud. They do have no meaning. What is important, Insulin can treat all types of diabetes. All Junk Medicine lead to timeless Death, Suffering, Disability, low quality of life.  For this reason it is very reasonable to start treatment with Insulin as first line. If this does not work and sugar still high in blood then  ..... increase dose of insulin. There is no limits to dose of insulin. The limit is only one, take it as much as body needs to fix the medical problem.
     But insulin is expensive medicine. Also there are no MD who will Rx insulin to diabetics. There are a lot of Junk Medicine, very expensive sometimes, or cheap as Glipizide or Metformin. Life cost money. Death can be money-free. Why this is so? Because of diabetes defined as it is elevated level of sugar in blood caused by obesity. Also it is widely presented that diabetics type 2 do have high level of insulin but body system does not use it. Show me prove of this claim. No prove. Level of insulin in blood never checked.
   Well, it is easy to say that there is test, C Peptides level in blood. It is the mark of insulin level in blood. When? At the one particular moment. It is well known that level of sugar never the same. The difference is high when it is fasting and when it is after meal. Every one do know it, no one pay any attention to the logic. What is the level of C Peptides in time of meal? Does this insulin secretion is effective to meet body system demand in insulin distribution?   There is no one test for this situation.
Surprisingly, the researchers observed that the beneficial effect of a reduction in HSL was not actually due to the reduced release of fatty acid. It was explained by the increased synthesis of oleic acid, the principal fatty acid component of olive oil. This initial observation gave a glimpse of an interesting avenue for treating obese patients who are at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.    
Do anyone understand what is it about? I do not. And I do see no one reason to look at any explanations what does and what  does not. This is meaningless. I do not know how any acids work in my body and how insulin used properly or not. This is just for research and for study. My goal is simple. I wish to still be able to walk on my two legs. I wish I am able to turn on my bed. I wish to live as happy as I can be. Insulin provide me with this demand, and since my first shot in 2011 I do not getting worse. Dose of insulin increased from 11 units to 720 units, highest dose of insulin I injected, and I still alive. Glipizide and Metformin I took almost 10 years almost kill me. Only Insulin which I started to take, keep me alive. I do have my choice. 

via Ravenvoron

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