DiabetesNow, is that really possible to prevent diabetes type 2 with diet and right life style? Diabetes is in our genes. We were born diabetics, so early or late diabetes will take over.
Edited by Werner K. Waldhausl. 1979
Published by Expedia Medica, Amsterdam-Oxford-Princeton. 1980
Procceding of the 10th Congress
of the International Diabetes Federation.
Vienna, Austria, September 9-14, 1979.
Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes is predominately Inherited.
Almost all the NIDD pairs of identical twins are concordant. In only 8 out of 55 pairs are they discordant and all but one of these the effected twin has been discovered to have diabetes only within the last 5 years.We have not seen discordance of more than 7 years duration. This is in spite of the fact that most of those twins were over the age of 40 when diagnosed and nearly all were living apart at the time. The conclusion must be that NIDD is largely, if not entirely, due to genetic causes.
Now, there are 95% of diabetics type 2 from all diabetic population. Diabetics type 1 got diabetes because of some infections, or trauma, or any other reasons. Diabetics type 2 born diabetics with not sufficient insulin secretion. In time when there are no other issue diabetics type 2 live undetected. When there are trauma, emotional or physical stress, infections, and so on, the insulin secretion must increase, and diabetics type 2 pancreas cannot keep up with increased demand in insulin.
In West Point Military Academy a few cadets graduated when they were diagnosed with diabetes. At first, no one cadet will be admitted to West Point Academy with diabetes. If diabetes was diagnosed in first two or even three years of training, cadet will be discharged from Academy. But if there is last year of training, cadet will graduate. There are just a few of them. Training in West Point Academy is hard to accomplish even for very healthy cadet. In different study in another university or in any other places these cadets probably never would develop diabetes, or have it diagnosed at the end of the lives. In West Point Academy medical supervision is on the top of priority.
This is what most important in diabetes treatment and in decrease of mortality due to diabetes: early diagnostic. In the contrary for reason still not clear for me, diagnose of diabetes type 2 preferable to delay. Why? Why do it is better to delay diagnose of diabetes type 2? It is very logical to diagnose diabetes early and start treatment with most effective medicine. But it is not the case. Treatment based on many years to delay insulin therapy. In addition to this there are many medicine to developed to kill diabetic's type 2 insulin secreting Beta Cells. Some diabetics type 2 finally will get insulin, very limited dose of it such as 25 units a day. Most diabetics type 2 die without any effective treatment.
via Ravenvoron
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