
Monday, 4 February 2019

Why Diabetes Type 2 is Insulin Independent Type of Diabetes? February 4, 2019

Recently there were thirty-five diabetics on one floor of the hospital with which I am associated.  Twenty-eight of those were above the age of 40, with an average age of 64 and average duration of diabetes of thirteen years, or within about one year of the total duration of diabetes of all my recent fatal cases within and outside the hospital. ( Elliot P. Joslin page 260. Medical Clinics of Northern America. Symposium on Diabetes. 1947)
       In my naive mind was that if diabetes type 2 treated correctly then 95% of diabetics will live longer and healthier. All what we need just Insulin right after being diagnosed with elevated level of sugar.  Why level of sugar is still not vital? Why millions of diabetics diagnosed and not treated? I was looking for answers. Now I did have it.
      It is only 1947. Already Insulin on market, and 25 years diabetics treated with Insulin. They were started to take insulin in childhood, and now they are adult. Alive. But still, they are diabetics. They need medicine to function.
Since beds are no longer available for diabetics except in emergencies, more and more doctors must seek to establish nursing homes or do what they have to done for years, but now perforce on a far more extensive scale, namely, treat them in their offices with  spesial provisions for their education. This will require so much  time that they must have assistance from nurses, secretaries and technician, or even other diabetics. Hospital  rates for the care of diabetics, even  in the wards, are going up. (page 260)
        It was 1947. At that time the effectiveness of treatment with insulin therapy already  was recognized as very effective and durable. Children who were treated with insulin in early childhood no longer died, and generation of second diabetics come to life. Was it good? was it bad?
      As we can see, diabetics were no longer accepted to the hospitals. They were treated in many medical home offices. How? Education. Education of diabetics was most effective treatment as it is always was stated by Gr. E. Joslin. How, when we take a look at this statement close, what did he really said to us? We do not need doctors. We can do it by ourselves. If nurses can be trained to provide proper care for diabetics then why family member as parent or spouse cannot do the job? If some family member can do the job, why diabetics cannot do it by themselves? We must as it is all the time stated. We do, even every one pretend we do not.
      Time go on and on. Today it is not 40 years old diabetics who need special care but older generation, people 65+ years old. It is already age of retirement. This population no longer is valid working force. What Dr. E. Joslin said about this population back in 1947?
Any insulin is good insulin, even wonderful if we hark back to the days when we were treating diabetics without insulin. Even now if we had only one kind we could adjust patient to it. The danger is that with the multiplicity of insulins both doctors and diabetics become confused. (page 261)
Now there are 150 types of oral medicine to treat diabetes type 2. No one sure if diagnose type of diabetes is right or wrong.  There are dozens of different types of insulin. It is easy to be lost in all that Rx and all that medicine, to find out which one is right for diabetic. Still, there is grater challenge, it is interaction one medicine with another. How insulin effect diabetic who takes SU and insulin  at the same time? It is all the time presented that dose of insulin must be adjusted. It is never said that dose of SU must be adjusted. Yet, it is SU which were Rx first and insulin was Rx later. Hoe adjust Invokana and insulin? What are differences when one take insulin + Invokana, and another takes SU + Invokana? Really, who is going to do all that adjustments? Not doctors anyway. Doctors simple Rx Invokana and SU and do not worry to must if it is effective and in what way this effect hit diabetic.
Diabetics are living a long time and that is the chief reason why there are seems to be so many of them. Our group some month ago  had 237 out of original 249  with onset in childhood, who had survived diabetes twenty years or ten times as long as our childhood cases between 1914 and 1922. (page 261)
Now, if we take into consideration that all diabetics take insulin and live as regular non diabetics, some of them even get cured, then what is going to happen with all that clinics and doctor's offices? all that specially trained nurses who know only how to educate diabetics how to eat?
      There is no way for diabetics type 2 to get insulin we need to function and to live healthy life style. Always follow money to find the True. 

via Ravenvoron

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