
Sunday, 3 March 2019

Why type 2 diabetic need higher dose of insulin? March 3, 2019

       Sugar is 85 mg/dl today. Very good sugar. Yesterday it was 467 units of insulin. So, if today sugar is good, and if I will eat the same meal and inject the same dose of insulin then I would be fine, right? No low sugar, no sugar riding up. I would not count on it. In my every day life I observed, sugar is never the same, and to keep sugar under control I have to inject different dose of insulin. Tris what I take as foundation, normal level of sugar to be kept all the time. If sugar getting up then add some units of insulin. When sugar getting down, at first do not rush to decrease dose of injected insulin. A few days later sugar may go up. If low sugar persist then it is better to decrease insulin dose.
     All the time I wonder, why it is so difficult to find what dose of insulin to inject? It is easy to do if the recommendations by ADA worked. Just count the amount of carbs you are going to eat, and inject right dose of insulin. There is only one problem, it never worked, never will.
      When pancreas removed from lab dog to keep dog alive there is insulin added in injection. At first the dose was about 50 units, if I do remember this correctly. With time dose of injection increases, why? Insulin stored in every cell. Otherwise there is no metabolism possible. With time amount of stored insulin decreased, and more insulin needed to be added to keep the same function. This is the same as it happened when kid diagnosed with diabetes or adult. Kid still have insulin in every cell before insulin secretion was stopped due to infection or other medical conditions. Adult has limited insulin secretion which is long in duration, so long before diabetes was diagnosed and treatment started the depletion of insulin was already high.
     In children diabetes is acute, and can be fixed with less dose of insulin. Also it can be cured, in the way as flu cured every year. It is different in adult. In adult diabetes is chronicle condition.  Sugar does not go fatally high, but the limit in insulin secretion getting higher with every day passed. With time gap between insulin secretion and insulin in demand getting too wide. Adult diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and treatment with SU started. The ability of beta cells to secret insulin getting lower. Less then 10 years, and diabetic type 2 gone.
      Still, what if in stead of SU insulin would be the first line in diabetes type 2 treatment? This is just fantasy. It is not possible to be. If Insulin would be first line in diabetes type 2 treatment then there is no speedy blindness, or amputations. Even high blood pressure would be absent or not so devastated. Really, who will be in clinics? Who will carry on $$$ to MD and politicians? So, do not even dream to get rid of diabetes. Count calories, reduce fat and carbs, but never demand insulin. According to medical articles diabetics type 2 scared needles to the death. No one diabetic type 2 worry to lost legs, to became amputee. True? False? Time to think what is wrong and where is true.

via Ravenvoron

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