
Friday, 11 November 2016

Diabetes Type-3 and its Treatment. November 11, 2016

It is long time ago was told that Alzheimer disease is Diabetes type 3. Now there are researchers findings. Now what? What treatment for this type of diabetes? As type 2 diabetes, which no one do know what is it, this type of diabetes would it be treated with Life Style Modifications, cost effective way to eliminate diabetics' type 3  population?
"Since KATP channels Kir6.1 or Kir6.2 are critical components of sulfonylurea receptors (SURs) which is downstream insulin receptor signaling, the KATP channel inhibition by Memantine mediates the anti-diabetic drug action in peripheral tissues," says Dr. Moriguchi. "And this leads to improved cognitive functions and improved memory retention among Alzheimer's patients."
It is not so easy to find out what authors talking about. But let us take a closer look at the treatment suggested to diabetics type 3. Memantine meditates  the anti-diabetic drug,s. Which one? SU, very well and good known SU, Glipizide one of them and I used to take it for years till I dropped all Trash Medicine and started to take INSULIN and Insulin Only.
So, what all this treatment is about? As any problem with diabetes it is the diagnose and understanding where is the Head and what is The Tail. As any medicine for type 2 diabetics now for diabetics type 3 it is 'meditation of insulin. For those who is lucky to be type one American population treatment still Insulin,   costly but effective. For the rest of us it is Trash Medicine. Sometimes this medicine is costly such as Invokana, sometimes very cheap such as Metformin, but all the time not effective and accompanied by potentially fatal side effects.

Why Alzheimer disease is so similar to the diabetes?
Diabetes is not sugar poisoning as it is all the time presented by Medical Care Syndicate. It is limited ability of body system use glucose  as energy because there is no insulin to convert glucose into energy. If so then does not matter how Organized Medical Care try to create medicine to mimic or mediate any insulin secretion, still there is no insulin in blood stream and glucose cannot enter into cell. Any Trash Medicine will lead to deeper problem. Insulin will solve it.

Why really level of sugar is not vital? Just think about it, how it is easy to detect and screen every one for the immune system disorder. All what Organized Medical Care need just admit, Diabetes is Immune System disorder, regardless of level of sugar in blood. It is no one types of diabetes. It is DIABETES and Stages of it. Because of Diabetes is result of limit in insulin secretion insulin should not be meditated or mimicked, or forced to be secreted, but added into blood stream in injections regarding level of sugar in blood rather then regarding  body weight which simple has no one connection with level of sugar in blood.

There are many studies done and they show that insulin added in blood stream improve mental declines. Insulin added by SU effecting on pancreas just speed the depletion of insulin secretion. Brain is biggest and most important Energy Consumer. It is so important that in brain there is own insulin secretion center which works to serve brain only. If this Center do not do the job then insulin secretion limited and brain limit in function ability. There are Dementia and Alzheimer disease coming from, mental instability and low mental ability to function, understanding, processing of info, learning, and so on. There are many types of diabetes can be diagnosed, still the problem is only one, limit in insulin secretion.

Why really it is taken for granted that when we do lost our leg we do take artificial leg. When we lost vision we use glasses, or other special devises. The point is, we add something to improve our limited body function ability. The different with diabetes type 2. It is all the time told that diabetics type 2 have limited ability to secret insulin. If so then why it is not the same as with any other medical conditions, just add some more to body to improve its function. Not at all. Our ill pancreas forced to work harder and die timelessly. Then there are many talks why it is so ill. to whom to blame, fat, sugar, cholesterol, salt, you name it ... .

Any pet who became diabetic as a result of aging, pets also live longer now and age like all of us, pet will have insulin therapy. The Masted will be treated with Trash Medicine. Say me why? There are so many animal studies, and all the time animal model used at first before any medicine will be added to the human medical cabinet. Then why it is so different that doggy would have insulin injections to control blood sugar, and masted will have cost not effective medicine? Just take this studies, observe how dog would live with elevated level of sugar in blood and with life style modifications, cost effective treatment,  weight loss surgery, or Starvation Diet. Why this studies never done? There are a lot of pets who are diabetics, and they all have insulin therapy. In contrary diabetics type 2   treated with Barking Therapy.

Alzheimer's disease found to be a diabetic disorder of the brain
Date: November 9, 2016
Source: Tohoku University
A promising treatment for Alzheimer's disease has been found by researchers who noticed a similarity in the way insulin signaling works in the brain and in the pancreas of diabetic patients.

via Ravenvoron

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