
Friday, 23 December 2016

New York Times. Quack Reverse Diabetes type 2. December 24, 2016

Many experts believe Type 2 diabetes is an incurable disease that gets worse with time. But new research raises the tantalizing possibility that drastic changes in diet may reverse the disease in some people. New York Times. April 18, 2016
So, to investigate the possibility to reverse diabetes type 2 I do not going to do reserch and ask some people if they did reverse diabetes type 2 because of  today they do not have diabetes type 2. It is easy to understand. There is only 1 out of 10 American is Diabetic. From 90% to 95% it is diabetics type 2. So, the possibility that people reversed diabetes type 2 is 90%.  At leasst 90 % of Americans still not diabetics, so they reversed diabetes type 2 with right food choice and right work outs. This is why they are diabetes-free. Simple and easy to understand. Still, there is 10% who are diabetics and 95% of them diabetics type2. Can they reverse diabetes type 2?
It is not the first time that people have reversed type 2 diabetes by losing a lot of weight shortly after a diagnosis. Studies have also shown that obese individuals who have bariatric surgery frequently see the condition vanish even before they lose very much weight.
OK, let us take a look at, diabetes type 2, what is it? Only after that we can take next look, if it is possible to be reversed and how.
Type 2 diabetes (due to a progressive loss of b-cell insulin secretion frequently on
the background of insulin resistance)
This is how ADA classify Diabetes type 2. Now, if diabetes is progressive loss of insulin secretion, then it is most important to take a look at for what degree this progress gone. If it is just a small b-cells lost, it is one story. But when diabetes type 2 progressed to the final stage, it is really very different story.  So, in stead to present types of diabetes such as type 22 or type 1, it is better to present stages of diabetes according to the progression of medical condition  in the lost of B-cells available to secret insulin.
Now there is another Quack. According to the New Your Times, diet can reverse diabetes type 2. Still, it is in this article that even before weight was lost, the condition vanish. So, there is no any relation between weight or obesity as it is usually presented by professor Taylor and all other medical advertisers such as Dr. Oz, but something different, why we are diabetics  and how we can reverse diabetes type 2.
There is another Quack. People present, they reversed diabetes type 2 shortly after they were diagnosed with diabetes simple by losing weight. Well, there is another trick, how they were diagnosed with diabetes, and what are the evidence that they do not have diabetes anymore, reversed it? How reverse of diabetes was diagnosed?
In diabetes type 1 there is time when diabetics do not need insulin injections. The name for this condition is 'honeymoon phase'. It does not mean they are not diabetics anymore, they still are. But they can skip some injections because of they have good blood sugar level. Why diabetics type 1 have 'honeymoon phase' but diabetics type 2 presented, they reversed diabetes? The same evidence, temporary drop in blood sugar level, but whey the same medical condition have so different, even opposite classification?
Very tricky Quack.
Mr. Tutty said he jumped at the chance, becoming one of 30 men and women ages 25 to 80 to sign up. Mr. Tutty was one of 13 participants whose fasting plasma glucose dropped, and during the six-month follow-up remained below the seven millimole per liter (or 126 milligrams per deciliter) that defines diabetes.
Say me, what was number before studies and weight drop? If it was 130 mg/dl and then it dropped down to 126 mg/dl, is this really common among diabetics type 2? People come to clinic with 370 mg/dl and do not get diagnosed with diabetes. (Myself for instance.) This is why millions of diabetics live with diabetes and do not have any treatment for it till numbers ride closer to the fatal level. Even in that case they still be told, they are diabetics type 2, and first line treatment for them is life style modification, diet, work out. Less then ten years after being diagnosed these people die.
One more word about this Quack. As it is well known before Death all people loose weight. Of cause if we are ill for prolonged time. If weight is so crucial in diabetes type 2 reversal, then why diabetics type 2 die? Diabetes type 2 is number 7 cause of Death, and it is never said on what number diabetics type 2 in all cause of Death.
Type 2 diabetes develops when the body cannot use insulin properly or make enough insulin, so the body cannot properly use or store glucose (a form of sugar) and sugar backs up into the bloodstream, raising blood sugar levels.
My Goodness! This dinosaur come from where?  At least, before publish any education for millions of readers that a look at the facts and do not publish scam! One more time I will copy for you:
Type 2 diabetes (due to a progressive loss of b-cell insulin secretion frequently on
the background of insulin resistance)
and one more time I will educate you that b-cells loss leads to limit in insulin secretion, and there is nothing for body to use, properly or not. There is simple no insulin available! Also, you are pretty good barbarian in diabetes understanding. If glucose cannot be stored then our obesity come from where? And BTW, if glucose cannot be used and cannot be stored then what happened with glucose? Glucose stored in every tissue of our body, in every drop of blood, in bones, on skin and under skin, pushing out from our never healing wounds, and so so on. Even our tears sweet. Our urine is sweet. Thousands years scalps tested for the sugar, and sugar was found in bones of skeletons. Sugar found in bones of wild animals which are far away from being obese. Sugar in blood stream only the way we are able to test how deep our condition dropped. In present time a new meters underway, to check up sugar in tears. At least if you pretend to wright about diabetes take your time to get educated.
Going on a very-low-calorie diet may allow the body to use up fat from the liver, causing fat levels to drop in the pancreas as well. That “wakes up” the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, normalizing blood glucose levels.
When fat used as source of energy  fatally danger condition develops, ketoacidocis, emergency situation which usually our hospitals ignore and send victims home. If insulin therapy was administrated in right regime with right type of insulin, diabetic survive. If there is no insulin, diabetic die. Still, there is no insulin producing cells, and insulin must be injected.
“Decreasing caloric intake for any reason brings with it a rapid improvement in glucose control,” said Dr. Robert Lash, the chairman of the Endocrine Society’s clinical affairs committee and a professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan.
This is all what Quack is about. Endocrine Society present that diabetes is glucose level. It is not. It is ability of b-cells to secret insulin, and availability of b-cells able to produce insulin.  With normal blood sugar, with low blood sugar, level of insulin can be also low. This is paradox. The level of sugar is low. It is easy to assume that level of insulin is high. The problem is, there is no test to check up level of insulin in blood. We check up level of sugar, and we do not know the level of insulin in blood. With low blood sugar level of insulin usually is also low. This is why in hospitals diabetics die because of low blood sugar. They do have glucose IV but no insulin injection. So, sugar still low or may go high, but the level of insulin is low, and there is no one way to prevent mortality without insulin injection.

Hope for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

April 18, 2016

via Ravenvoron

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