
Thursday, 19 January 2017

Time of insulin injections. Januady 19, 2017

The time in insulin injections is crucial. If gap between shots is too wide then sugar does not run smooth and nice. If shot taken at the time when sugar drops naturally, then injection will speed blood sugar dropping and diabetic can run in low blood sugar. But really, what is best time to take injections of insulin?
      For those of us who are diabetics type 2 it suggested we take one shot of long acting insulin at bed time. At least this was what I was told when I just started to take insulin and had no one idea how to use it  but how to put needle into my belly and for how long it hold inside. Now I do have my own study and my own experience how to take shots, how to dose insulin, and what type of insulin is best for me.
      I do take higher dose in the morning, then second shot before noon, very often just two or three hours after first shot. Then around three pm it is third shot, and finally with eve meal it is last forth shot, as lower as it is possible according to meter readings. I think we all do have our own cycle of life. Someone of us wake up early in the morning and accordingly go to sleep early in the eve. Other wake up later, but still awake long at night. So, according to our cycle  we need to adjust time of injections. Personally, if I take shot at bed time I still awake longer in the eve, very often after midnight. So, I take last shot lowest.
      Another point why I do try do not take late injections of insulin, blood sugar can run low at night. Medical pro named it 'dawn phenomenon'. It is said that at night there was low blood sugar, and after low blood sugar episode sugar in blood run high, like reboot of system. It is all how it is presented by med pro, and I will not say they are right or they are not. I do not try to develop any theory. I just try to survive, to be as well as I can be. So, I try to find my way which works best for me. This is why I take higher dose of insulin at morning, even blood sugar is normal, but lower in the eve, even sugar is a little bit higher then I need.
       With insulin dosing it is very easy to assume that if blood sugar run low then dose of insulin must be taken down, reduced. I tried it many times, and it is not so easy. After awhile sugar run  back to high number. But if I try to keep take the same dose, sugar run low. It is all the time as walking in thin ice, slow, smooth, and nice. So, I assume there are another cycle, like day dose, week dose, monthly dose and so on. At the same time as insulin dosing must be different in seasons, it can be adjusted in weekly manner. To find own cycle is not easy, it is only empirical, it is all the time go up and down.
       Still, in no  one way it is fatal. Then lower level of sugar then less dangerously low will go low sugar.
       I found my way that I keep OJ and protein bar all the time around my spot, on my desk, in my tent, in my car, in bag of my man when we go to The Met. Protein bar is all the time handy.  Protein bar and candy far away not the same. Candy lead to crush. Protein bar give nutrition, energy. I all the time buy it in Costco.
       It is wide spread propaganda that type 2 diabetes can be reversed. The hell know what is this, but people who never put needle into own belly all pretend they cure themselves with low carbs diet. I do not eat this candy. I accept who I am, and try to deal with diabetes  in my way. So, I try to keep blood sugar level nice, smooth. I prefer to take more shots then higher dose at once. Also I try to take one hour blood sugar reading to see when I do have high sugar when sugar go down, at what time of day, so I can correct it with injections according to my own cycle of life. Most important that if once it was morning when I need higher dose of insulin, then at another time it can be eve. 

via Ravenvoron

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