People with prediabetes have elevated blood sugar levels, but not so high that they have full-blown diabetes, which requires medication or insulin injections. With exercise and a healthy diet, prediabetics can halve their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, the CDC noted.Why today diabetes type 2 is number 7 cause of death in America? If it is only the day how diabetics type 2 die, due to diabetes, high blood sugar level, or there are heart attacks and strokes, COPD and Asthma, kidney failure and heart failure also hit diabetics type 2? What if all deaths of diabetics type 2 would be counted, what rank it will be? The first question is, when it is considered that diabetes type 2 in full blow? Really, full blow how it is diagnosed? And very interesting, why if diabetes is so highly developing why do not start to treat pre-diabetes when level of sugar is not high yet, but already going out of control? Is this not the point why do we have vaccination? To prevent developing of full- blow. Give to pre-diabetics 10 units of insulin, safe for every one, and they will never develop diabetes type 2.
Now, if we say that there is full-blow of diabetes type 2 on one hand, and there is pre-diabetes on the other hand, then why it is never considered that diabetes has stages in development?
Stage one when sugar is higher then normal, so 10 units of insulin to let pancreas to recovery. Probably after this treatment circle there will never be diabetes type 2, or any other types of diabetes.
If 10 units still do not keep pancreas healthy, then add another dose of insulin, till pancreas recovered.
Stage last, keep check up blood sugar level, do not let pancreas to get overwork.
Those are among the findings of the latest study of the Joslin 50-Year Medalists, who have had type 1 diabetes for at least 50 years, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. The paper examines the health characteristics of 952 Medalists, divided into three groups by date of diagnosis, says lead author Liane Tinsley, M.P.H., the data analyst on the study.Why diabetics type 1 survive for more then 50 years, and diabetics type 2 do not survive longer then 10 years after being diagnosed with diabetes if they do not start to take insulin? And there is another question, why those who are medalists for 50 years still diabetics type 1?
This is all about Joslin Diabetes Center. All the speculations, scam, but never true. There is no answer to the question why those people survived over 50 years with diabetes type 1? Because of they did not have fatally high blood sugar level. In childhood they were diagnosed with diabetes type 1, were treated with insulin, and .... now they live long and prosper. Why mother of doctor Joslin did not survive even she never broke her healthy life style, and even her son did not safe her? Let us remember that before pretend that healthy life style will prevent diabetes type 2 to be developed. It never happened, it never will be. This is why today diabetes type 2 is number 7 cause of Death in America.
There is another very interesting fact. America has highest number people over 100 years old. Well, it is difficult to trust in any facts in present days. But at least it was published recently. So, if there are more old and elderly people then there will be more diabetics, right? Right. With age our hearts and all our organs became less healthy, regardless how well and right we eat.
Remember, if diabetic type 2 start to take Insulin then diabetic type 2 will survive more then 10 years after being diagnosed with diabetes. I do, I survive. I take 300 units of insulin daily, and I still alive and functional. With limited mobility, but not in bed, still on my two legs, and use glasses only to read. If I did not start to take insulin in 2011 then today there would not be blog, how to live with diabetes. Yes, there are many blogs, but try to find one who takes 300 units of insulin, passed MI and strokes, and survived all. Try to find how many of us still mentally functional. Is this my life style? Not at all. It is Insulin I started to take in March 2011. The price for insulin is way too high. I cannot afford to buy it, so every time when there is no health plan who pay for insulin I am down, sugar getting over the sky, and how I do survive no one mortal men can say.
The same I can say about those medalists, diabetics type 1 who survived more then 50 years with diabetes. As I just said, what stage of diabetes they are? And probably they perfectly control blood sugar level with right life style, no medicine, no insulin anymore. What can I say, give me insulin 50 years ago and I would be very healthy today. I could live over 100 years with my wrong life style, why not? I survived 59 years without insulin with high blood sugar numbers, passed coma, and stepped on the Last Point. But only since 2014 I do have insulin supply without constant terminations. Really, why do not I have Medal?
There are many points can be discussed. But the real point is only one. Why today, almost 100 years after insulin discover, diabetes type 2 still number 7 cause of death? Why we have to die today when simple insulin, very nice and rewarding medicine, is not available for us? Do not say, it is diabetics type 2 who are Insulin - Resistant. Not at all. It is medical Care providers who resist to Rx Insulin. Say me why when I was in hospital in March 2017 first what my primary doctor done was termination of insulin injections. No one insulin injection. 300 units total daily dose was cut at once. According to medical providers we do not need insulin. If so, then say me, why type 1 diabetics need it? They need less then 50 units. Many of them take less then 25 units, and many take less then 12 units. 10 units of insulin is safe to inject to anyone, non-diabetics including. I need 300 units. And doctor insist, I do not need insulin, why?
OK, I do not really need any Medal. But please, leave insulin for me as it is. I am happy where I am and who I am. If today I was not in this so down condition I would really drop dose of insulin down to the healthy 10 units a day. No low blood sugar, no high. Still, I am OK with 300 units if I do have it in my ref. I am not insulin - resistant diabetic type 2. I am Insulin - Dependent Diabetic type 2 who was born diabetic but diagnosed with diabetes after 50. Really, how it is possible to treat patient according to body shape, or age, or personal attitude? Why it is so difficult today to take test of Pancreas condition, if pancreas healthy or not to secret insulin? Not at all. All diagnostic based on level of sugar, with is never the say and can run from fatally low to fatally high and be healthy normal at the some point. How this can be taken as diagnostic mark?
It is not possible to cure disease if there is no diagnose if organ is healthy or not. There is no treatment progress can be seen. This is why we will die today, tomorrow, and another 100 years. Why not? We are profitable for medical providers, and they pay high to politicians to leave all as it is.
via Ravenvoron