
Sunday, 4 March 2018

What wrong about diabetes type 1? March 4, 2018

Today my blood sugar is 90 mg/dl. Perfect sugar I will say. So, what is important in this reading? Yesterday I took 307 units at 3:01am. Sugar was 67 mg/dl. I skipped full shot, 307 units. We went to Metropolitan Opera and when we returned after midnight I was too tired to take a shot. I just fall asleep instantly. Now it is 8:05 am, and sugar is 90 mg/dl.
     Every time it is presented that if diabetic type 1 skip insulin shot diabetic type 1 even can die. Really? Just try it. Usually diabetics type 1 take less then 25units in one shot. Mane take less then 10 units. No one of them die if they forget to take a shot. No one. Never.
     Another point in this discussion, diabetics type 1 presented that they do not secret insulin, so they live on insulin injections only. Really? 10 units of insulin were injected to non diabetics and they did not have low sugar. Dr. Banting and his assistant C. Best before injecting insulin to children injected 10 units to each other arms. Then they went to ward to inject insulin to kids. So, say me, if this really true that diabetics type 1 do not secret insulin at all? Probably, if insulin secretion never was tested. So, our Med Pro presented that type 1 diabetic do not secret insulin at all, or too little, and we are, type 2 diabetics, secret a lot. Where any prove of that? There is no one test to prove the level of insulin secretion.
      If it is looks like I do not know what do I talking about, just say me, what is the level of daily insulin secretion for adult? Just normal daily insulin secretion. We all do know. normal level of sugar for healthy adult around 100 mg/dl. What is the level of insulin secretion? There is no such number. So, where is the prove that diabetic type 1 does not secret insulin, and diabetic type 2 secret too much insulin?
     Finally, lastly it started to present that with time diabetics type 2 pancreas would reduce insulin secretion. For what degree? When it started? And how to diagnose if diabetic type 2 does not secret insulin? Also, if this happened then what is difference between type 1 diabetic who does not secret insulin and pretty OK with 25 units of insulin injection, or even 7 units of insulin dose, and diabetic type 2 to whom dose of insulin to stay alive over 500 units daily? Why diabetes type 2 is not insulin dependent type of diabetes?

via Ravenvoron

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