
Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Reversing diabetes is possible. Sure? November 6, 2018

November. For some reason I never crossed that was studied, in November diabetics' level of sugar going up. So do mine. Today it is 101 mg/dl. I contacted with other diabetics type  and they also noted that sugar getting up and up. Of cause, all what I see as the cause of this phenomenon just speculations. However this phenomenon must be studied. It is publicly presented that diabetes type 2 caused by obesity. At the same time, the obesity caused by overeating, high calorie diet, as it is widely presented by Medical Studies. There are different studies which dominate in propaganda.
 First. Do you have diabetes?

Second "I had always been pretty active," said Legg. "But it was a big wake-up call, that what I was doing and my current weight were not OK."
     Well, what does it mean? What BMI Legg had? What weight it was? And what level of sugar it was? There are no any info about that. It is usual, " I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. I lost ****pounds. Now I reversed diabetes type 2"  For this reason I can say, there are millions of diabetics type 2 who all the time reverse diabetes type 2. They ride from very high blood sugar down to just above the normal, and never were diagnosed as diabetics. They try to lose weight and getting sicker with every one  pound they had lost. 
     Another point here is, why Legg developed diabetes type 2 in first place? Why he got extra pounds and even did not see when and how he got them? Only elevated level of sugar in blood opened his eyes that he must do something about it. Why? Legg looks dedicated person, trying to live healthy. Did he took wrong fatty oily meal with high salt and high sugar? Not at all. If so, then why diabetes hit him?
      Usually it is told that being active prevent diabetes type 2 development. It does not prevent diabetes development in Legg. This is the fact. He stated it both, that he was active, and that his numbers were elevated.
"We have seen numerous people reverse their condition," says Dr. Michelle Magee, director of the MedStar Diabetes Institute in Washington. "But it takes a real dedication for the rest of their lives," she notes.
      Another interesting point. So, for the rest of life Legg must do what? Eat right? Be active? Control weight. This will prove that he control his blood sugar level. Really? What about November? As I just said above, in November for some reason level of sugar in blood rising. Last Winter my blood sugar went up and up, so I had to inject 720 units of insulin withing 24 hours. It was highest dose of insulin I ever injected. But blood sugar stopped to rise, and slowly started to drop.
      As I just said above, active life did not prevent diabetes type 2 development by Legg. Now Dr. Michelle Magee, director of the MedStar Diabetes Institute in Washington pretend that with right diet diabetes type 2 never will return after it was reversed. Should we all be fool?
People who carry excess weight, especially in their midsection, are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes because the fat in their tissues causes an imbalance of insulin in the body. The condition is called insulin resistance. If they can eliminate that fat by exercising and limiting carbohydrates and alcohol, then many can drop their glucose levels. And for some, they can drop them back into the normal range.
As it is said, "many". What about those who is not in "many' but "less"? This is not rhetorical question.  What if diabetes type 2 caused by not excess of weight but limit in insulin secretion due to fibrosis of pancreas? In that case insulin secretion will be very limited. Then more fibers developed and as spider net covered pancreas then less insulin enter into blood stream. It is not insulin resistance, it is insulin dependency. Regardless how much fat diabetic lost, this does not eliminate fibers around pancreas. Insulin cannot enter into blood stream.
This is also true for people who are prediabetic. According to the CDC, 79 million Americans are prediabetic, which means their glucose readings fall between 100 and 125 while fasting. According to the American Diabetes Association, normal glucose readings are 100 and below when a person has not eaten anything. Numbers above 125 while fasting are considered to be in the diabetic range. So when you're prediabetic, it's easier to turn those numbers around. And that's important, because once you become a diabetic, even if you drop your numbers, you will always be classified as a diabetic, making it difficult to acquire good insurance.

 In America it is a lot of fight to eliminate discrimination. At the same time millions of Americans discriminated by health condition. This is why diabetics avoid to be diagnosed with diabetes. We lost all, job, no health insurance, no mean of income. What is left? Starvation. Homelessness. Take a look at who are those without home? Most of then diabetics. There are many fatty people around. Many of them are not diabetics. Also those who are diabetics regardless of the amount fat in middle area, still keep numbers down. Homeless people even they do have perfect BMI still have high blood sugaar numbers. Is it paradox? Phenomenon? Think twice before say anything.
As for Jonathan Legg, his numbers are no longer in the diabetic range. He's lost 40 pounds and watches everything he eats.
       Back to 2009 I lost 60 pounds. Friend of mine lost over 100 pounds. Both of us diabetics. I am type 2, and I took SU. He is type 1 and he took Insulin. Time passed. He never got back those pounds.  He do not take insulin anymore. I do not know how many units he took. His daughter who was overweight, also lost weight. She is adult lady now, very beautiful. No insulin anymore. In 2010 I got MI, stroke, and only in 2011 I injected first dose of insulin in my belly. My numbers were above the sky 1000mg/dl in urine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I survived. I could not rise my hands. I still not use my hands properly. I cannot brash my heir,  or shampoo them. All my pounds returned, with huge add-on.
     I am happy, I still alive. I still fight. I no longer fight to lose weight. But I do fight to keep my numbers under my control. This is why, when number go up, I add some units of insulin to stop this elevation. I injected 720 units, and if I would need it, I would inject more, as more as it will take.
      "He cut out significant amounts of sugar and carbs in his diet, really changed how he ate," says McBride. "He's increased fiber, increased protein, cut back on alcohol, which is really sugar."
I wish to stop at this point for the moment. There are studies that Red Wine decreased level of sugar in blood. So, if this is true, or it is true that Red Wine to take to reduce level of sugar in blood? I am still confusing.
But McBride notes Legg needs to be tenacious.
"I told him, encouraged as I was, and proud and pleased [but] he's got to keep up those lifestyle habits for things to stay in the right direction," McBride said. "Without exercise, without diet and without weight control, the diabetes will come back. It's something he will need to manage his whole life."
That's something Legg says he would rather do than live as a diabetic
Well, it looks like we live in the same water every day and every moment of our lives. Not at all. The fact that we are getting older Dr. Michelle Magee simple ignore. As we age, all out organs get effected. So do pancreas. In stead to present that diabetes type 2 can be reversed or prevented it is better to take a look at how diabetes type 2 can be treated and curd. All other studies or discussions are simple propaganda.

Reversing diabetes is possible

By Val Willingham, CNN

via Ravenvoron

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