
Thursday, 20 December 2018

Day by Day. December 20, 2018

I started to read books I collected time ago. I was interested how diabetes type 2 was first time diagnosed, by whom, and what is all behind this. Once I asked doctor what is difference in diagnose between type 1 and type 2 diabetes? Doctor answered:
-------"Why? There is no difference in treatment. Sh what is the reason to consider what type of diabetes you do have?"
      The reason is only one: there are a significant difference in treatment.  Diabetes type 1 treated with insulin, and diabetes type 2 is insulin independent type of diabetes. Yes, this definition is already abandoned because of more and more diabetics type 2 take Insulin. But if for diabetics type 1 insulin is in protocol then for type 2 diabetics insulin is Big Fight with insurance and medical care. Also when I am in clinic every doctor suggest to me that I have to lose weight. Most important problem which is too difficult to solve it is Rx to insulin. I am diabetic type 2 by diagnose, and treatment for me all the time weight loss, active life and diet.
     So, it is important to be educated with diabetes. The matter of fact I think it is better to be educated in your own health as early as it is possible and as much as it is possible. This is why in medical clinic usually doctors refuse to give patient results of tests they run. They think we do not need that result. Why? I can have my own medical history and bring it to any clinic I go, to any doctor I visit. It is not protocol. There is no medical history for patients.
     My last visit to doctor was to General Internal Medicine. I asked for coumadin.
-------"You do not have evidence that you need this medicine," ---was answer.
-------" what if I do have stroke, what treatement it would be after?" - I still ask questions.
-------"Coumadin." - was the answer.
-------"For how long I will take this medicine?"
-------"After this treatment started it is would not be stopped." - answered doctor.
-------"So, f I had stroke and coumadin was in my medical box then now I would have to take it, right? IS so then why right now I do not have coumadin? I had stroke, and not once."
 ------"How do you know you had stroke?" - doctor asked.
Really, how do I know? The problem is when we are in ER in very complicated condition such as stroke or high sugar or any other conditions, what is the treatement for us?
-----"Are you mind to go home?" - and we discharged in the same condition we enter, or even worse.
      Why this is so? Because of doctors see, we are very very complicated to treat. So, to send complicated patient to home is best way to help to die in comfort surrounded by family and loved one. At the same time hospital present that it has great statistic in health improvement. They admit to hospital those who are not in critical condition and discharge them with great improvements. Simple and very effective.
     Any effective medicine is danger. It has side effects, and difficult to dose. Critically ill patient go up and down, never stable. This is why medicine such as Insulin or coumadin is difficult to get Rx for. It is easy, no one problem to get Rx to Metformin. It is medicine which does not reduce level of sugar, so there is no low sugar at all. Yes, it can lead to complications, but for this reason patient must take this medicine very long time. Also Insulin is difficult o dose. Dose must be titrated very often. Practically every day I have to decide how many units to inject every time and how many times I have to inject insulin. There is no problem with Metformin. Doctor Rx Metformin, and patient takes this dose year after year for ten + years till still alive. How this medicine can improve paatient's progressing medical condition? Mystery. Or simple malpractice?

via Ravenvoron

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