
Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Types of Diabetes. December 19, 2018

Autoimmune Disease is the pathologic result of autoimmunity system attacks the person's healthy body tissue.
 Diagnostic Tests by Mary A. Williamson and L.Michael Snyder
     According to medical definition  diabetes type 1 is autoimmune disorder. It is resulter by immune system attacks healthy B Cells and destroy them So, diabetic's type 1 insulin secretion is absent. At the same time, according to the same diagnostic tests reference book, diagnose of diabetes type 1 the same as diabetes type 2 based on the level of sugar in blood. There is no one diagnostic test for ether one type of diabetes, just level of sugar. So, there is no one prove that diabetes type 1 is autoimmune disorder. If so then there must be some sign to see this abnormalities or pathology.
      One type of diabetes which does not take into consideration the level of sugar in blood is disorder of Endocrine system - Diabetes Insidious.
Diabetes Insipidous (DI) is a disorder characterized by excretion of a large volume of dilute hypotonic. (p. 279)
      It is sort of odd that two different disorderes have the same name, diabetes, when tests are different. Diabetes diagnose based on level of sugar in blood. Diabetes Insipidouse diagnosed according to the volume of released urine.  Why this disorder named "diabetes"? 
     In the same reference book authors define diabetes as Endocrine system disease.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of disorders of abnormal carbohydrate metabolism sharing in common the clinical finding of hyperglycemia. According to this definition DM is associated with a relative oe absolute impairment in insulin secretion, along with varying degrees of peripheral resistance to the action of insulin.
Diabetes type 1 results in absolute insulin deficiency.
Diabetes type 2 results in relative insulin deficiency due to abnormality of both insulin secretion and insulin action.   
There is no one mention that type 1 diabetes resulted by autoimmune system attack healthy tissue such as Beta Cells.
     So, in the same reference book there is no clear definition what is what and what type of diabetes resulted by what condition. What is clear in this reference book that Diabetes Insipidous can be resulted by policystic kidney disease. The same as DM usually diagnosed after Policistic Ovary Syndrome (POS) when fibrosis destroy ovary one or both. When these two abnormalities put together then it is much clear how one type of diabetes related to another.
     Many women do have womb removed after 40th. The condition named Mioma, Fibromiaoma, and many other names. When we take colonoscopy usually there are polyps on intestine. They can be cleaned up but with time they return and another cleaning needed.
    This condition related not to diet or life activity. It can be resulted by trauma, or infection, or many other conditions. The same as we do have many other disorders such as Flu, or dental problems.With proper treatment no one of them are fatal or even danger. Without treatment or proper care they lead to in-reversible  complications.

via Ravenvoron

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