Comparison of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Similarities and Dissimilarities in Etiology, Pathogenes, and Complications.To see what is right and when it is not appears to be so, let us take a look from another corner.
Edited by Mladen Vranic, Charles H. Hollenberg, and George Stiener.
Plenum Press. New York and London. 1985.
In 1955 Hugh - Jones appears to have the terminology, Type 1 and 2, as a clinical classification. He characterized type 1 diabetes as "Starting in young people who are often underweight; it is severe in that the patient depends on the administration of insulin to prevent ketosis." Type 2 diabetes is mild and characteristically arises in middle age patients who are often obese (litpplethoric diabetes of Lawrence) and seldom requires insulin accept during added infections.
Diabetes type 1 started in young, when? This is most important question to ask. Was diabetes type 1 started when it was diagnosed? Obviously not. Every medical condition before it takes over and symptoms identified was present for some time, sometimes long, other times short in duration. So, when symptoms of diabetes type 1 appeared, the disease already was present. The severity depend on the condition of pancreas and ability of it to secret needed amount of insulin. When insulin added in injections, diabetic type 2 survive even when insulin secretion is absent. Many studies show that dogs survived when pancreas was remover and insulin was injected. As soon as injections of insulin were stopped dogs gone due to diabetes.
Diabetes type 2 arises in middle age of patient. Is this really true? Where are the evidence that this type of diabetes was not present in child, and child was fit. With time, stress of life, frequent infections, limited food quality, and many other life situations, diabetes eventually took over. As long as it was possible diabetic type 2 tried to keep life healthy as much as one could. It is not possible when one never was really healthy, was born diabetic, or there was trauma, or other life complications which no one actually pass with easy without consequences.
Finally characteristics of diabetes appear and probably diabetic would be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Now the treatment started. All kind of treatment but never Insulin. Why? Why insulin is out of diabetic's medical box? Where is the prove that diabetic type 2 do not require insulin in injections? There is no prove for that claim. And to see if this is wrong just take a look at the end of this claim:
"accept during added infections" What does it mean?
When infection conducted the part of insulin used to fight the infection. There is already limit in insulin secretion, and patient is already diabetic. Sugar rises. To survive the same as diabetic type 1 diabetic type 2 needs insulin therapy. When infection cured, level of sugar in blood drops. It does not mean that sugar in blood is normal, healthy. Not at all. But it is not dangerously high. Insulin therapy stopped. Diabetic returned to the previous therapy, lose weight and metformin.
Is there any differences between types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2? Not at all. Diabetics type 1 often do not take insulin in injections. The condition named "Honeymoon phase".
Hugh -Jones then went to describe third type of diabetes, found in Jamaica, Type J, which he characterized as "occurring in young adults and even in children who persistently require large doses of insulin to control glucosuria infections, and show little or no ketosis if insulin is withheld."Another name for this type of diabetes is "Tropical Diabetes". In present time it is not in use, and there are no mention of this type of diabetes in modern Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Still. this type of diabetes present in North America, and mistakenly diabetics diagnosed as Diabetes type 2. The result of wrong diagnose diabetics do not have insulin, not only in high dose but in any dose. Diabetes type 2 is number 7 cause of Death in America. This presented as Diabetics type 2 are over-eaters, and do not practice healthy life style, not active, lazy people. The discrepancy in diagnose and classifications, confusion and misleading bring millions of innocent people to Grave Therapy, Life Style Modifications, ultimate.
via Ravenvoron
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