Diabetes is a complex, chronic illness re-
quiring continuous medical care with mul-
tifactorial risk-reduction strategies beyond
glycemic control.http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/diacare/suppl/2017/12/08/41.Supplement_1.DC1/DC_41_S1_Combined.pdf
Ask me, what is Diabetes. It is constant booing and humiliation, pain and fear of get to the point to be in nursing facility absolutely dependent of those who never care. It is not that I do fear of death. Death is just part of our life. we all will die eventually. More then anything I fear to be completely dependent, not able to turn from one side to another on my bed, even not able to leave my bed, develop never healing wounds, and live in desperate desire that this life finally over.
I fight. I do it every day, one day after another. This fight come with price, and I pay it. In every diabetes education posted or published it is said what diabetes doing in our bodies. There are symptoms of diabetes, and every one do know them. What no one do know or ever posted or published how do we feel when every one do know, diabetes is wrong behavior, wrong life style people with diabetes chose to live. We are not pleasantly looking. Diabetes dramatically changed our appearance outside and inside. And we are very profitable for Medical Industry. Even those who do not have medical degree benefit on our sweet blood. We are very big part of economic and politic.
What benefits do we have as being Big Part? We are getting worse with every day. Big Boys are making policies, and we pay the price. Every one blame diabetics type 2 that we are very expensive for society to care for us. What care do we have? Is this really care for us, or it is exploitation of our complex chronic illness? are we ill people, or we are Slaves of Human Society? Really, who we are, diabetics type 2?
Type 1 diabetes (due to autoimmune B-cell destruction, usually leading to absoluteDiabetics type 1 all the time insist, they are not the same as we are, diabetics type 2. They do have diabetes because of their immune system for some reason no one do know which attack own insulin secreting B-cells. This classification makes diabetics type 1 feel sort of being special. At least it is not they are, whom to blame they are diabetics.
insulin deficiency)
I would take it for granted if I do not know simple fact: with Insulin injections with time dose of insulin getting lower. It is what all type 1 diabetics post, it is in my case, and it is in history of diabetes development. Insulin administered in injections lead to decreased need in dose of insulin, prevent development diabetes complications, and prolong diabetic's life.
This is fact. If so then say me, how it is prove that diabetes type 1 lead t absolute insulin deficiency and B-cells distraction? Yes, eventually if left untreated diabetic type 1 will pass away painfully and shortly. With proper treatment regime diabetic type 1 enter into Honeymoon phase, and live long healthy life.
Type 2 diabetes (due to a progressive loss of B-cell insulin secretion frequently onSo, this is classification of diabetes type 2. If this is classification of illness, this illness must be diagnosed. How Insulin Resistance diagnosed? There are no tests for diagnose Insulin resistance. No one. Level of sugar in blood can be diagnosed. It is only diagnose for diabetes. It cannot be used to diagnose type of diabetes. C=Peptides level can show the level of insulin in particular moment. This test prove nothing how insulin resistant body system is. It is only test what is the level of insulin in blood in this moment.
the background of insulin resistance)
When we start to eat, level of insulin rises. Blood test usually fasting. It is lowest level of sugar in system. All diabetes definition, and it is posted right above, the B-Cells and insulin secretion. Now, why test for insulin taken at the time when it is lowest in demand? Highest demand, when we started to eat, avoided to test. Is this really too much insulin in diabetic type 2 blood? There are never test to check it up and prove this theory.
In contrary, after diabetic type 2 takes Glipizide, SU type of medicine which force B-cells to secret insulin, C-Peptide level in blood is high. This taken for granted that it is Insulin Resistance, too high level of insulin in body system. With time B-Cells in diabetic 's type 2 body destroyed. There are no insulin in secretion, regardless how hard SU try to force them to secret it. There are no B-Cells to secret insulin.
This is why diabetics type 2 die less then withing 10 years after being diagnosed with diabetes type 2.
It is ADA recommendations how to provide care for people with diabetes. Now there is my question, who we are?
Do we are people with chronic illness requiring continuous medical care or we are slave of human society to be used for economical, political, and social needs of humanity?
via Ravenvoron
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